I have been going through games and playing with people and I thought why not ask people to be ma duck.
And yeah thats what this blog is about.
Let your imagination conquer!
Be ma penguin o duck?
~ Be ma duck?
I have been going through games and playing with people and I thought why not ask people to be ma duck.
And yeah thats what this blog is about.
Let your imagination conquer!
Be ma penguin o duck?
~ Be ma duck?
Well, I finally got a chance to sell those Mithril Ores! Yay for me! Twenty-two Ores gave me about 44k, bringing me to my first time having 100k on my character. It’s probably a pathetic thing to most of you, as I’m fairly certain most people have more than 100k…but oh well. Xp
So yeah, aside from that…
When I came home today, I was excited about the patch. I started MapleStory, and downloaded the patch. As I’m sure everyone else did, I ran to Amoria, and then learned about the whole “free experimental hair” thing. Excited, I told my sister about it. She had the 25 or however many squishies to get the coupon, so she did, and used it. She got her hair color and style changed from Orange Edgy to Black Carla…and she was depressed. Not only that, but she lost her Bamboo Helmet/hat thing somehow…I think she dropped it on accident. But yeah…I felt really bad for her, and offered to console her by buying her a Cash Card when they came out.
Once upon a time the world of maple story was desolate. Monsters destroyed all in it’s path and murdered everyone.
The leader of the monsters was Bob, and he ruled with an iron fist.
But there was one man, who wasn’t afraid of any of the monstersl.
And his name was Orbis.
Orbis was strong, but he refused to fight after the world took his wife away. Then one day, Bob attacked his village and the only thing he had left of a family. So Orbis finally had enough.
Yes, all. It is another random, pointless blog about my Maple days, half of which I can’t remember because my memory is so appallingly disgraceful. xD
So, basically, the main thing is that I’ve joined a guild! Yes, Quang’s guild, as a matter of fact. Many of you may have read about it; it’s called PyroTales, and we’ve recently got an emblem. <3 It’s really pretty, a red pheonix on a yellow background. A lot of people joined too, and so guild chatting is always fun, especially when the guild members are as hyper and crazy as you. xD This point shall be proven later on. And out of curiosity, I asked my guild members what they thought my gender was, before I met them. I think about 4/5 thought I was a boy, and the one who thought I was a girl stated her choice really hesitantly. @_@ xD Oh well, I thought most of them were guys too, but they all turned out to be girls. @____@
Legits rejoice! Recently, over 30000 hackers have been banned. Others who haven’t been baned, such as “speasr”, have been effectively stopped by GameGuard.(I know this because his friend told me.)
Unfortunatly, many hackers or would be hackers still remain at large, and now we know that the GMs are doing something about it.
But now, for the sad part.
There was this myth, saying: “Only idiots get sick.”
I am an idiot.
I created a new Gash account. The process of making the Gash account was nothing!
First you fill in your..
Confirm Password
Confirm it again just in case
Home Address
*Taiwanese Citizenship ID
Second Email
Phone number
Cell Phone number
Work phone number
Computer IP address
lol… I heard this thing called “auto-ban”. its like autobannage wen u get too much ranks up i think. on basil this high enought lvl dude just got banned and he wants to sue Nexon XD. im guessing hacker population is decreasing now because of that even tho i dunno if the auto-ban is a myth or not, hackers are getting banned and im guessing nexon worked their little magic and now ppl are less furious lol. And as usual, hacks are back. i just checked all the sites i have and they have new cheat engines and addresses. that sucks but hey there’ll always be hackers >.<
i am bored = =
soo, i just got a new character, for free, from one of my friends… he was a hacker.. but didnt want to play anymore, so i took his character for him, its a lvl 122 DK with an Omega Spear with 106 ATT. i was playing around with him in ludi, killing the gatekeepers and such things… i was on for about 6 hours.. and gained 2%.. >.<
also just to clarify i do not hack…
Man, the hair quest kinda blows. I had Orange Dishaveled hair and guess what I got in exchange for the coupon?
-guess time over-
Your all wrong, I got BLACK DISHAVELED HAIR.
Did anyone else get a similar experience like this?