Awwwwww balls….

I understand my friend Shoden told you about or experience with the Balrogs. Every word he said was true. I thought I woudlen’t have to fight anything, so he suggested we try the quest…

So we hopped on. After the balrog smacked me for exactly 2034 points of damage, out of my……(Now that I leveled up 3 times) 414 HP….. read more

The Search for Remm. Episode 1

this is my 1st story. As you`ll know, i added some other things not seen in Maple story, but
it still is a MS story.

If you have any ideas or want to be in my story, message me and give me a name and level of your character


4:41 PM More than a hundred GMs flew to the crash site on the northern foot of West Nath Peak in the south east corner of Victoria Island. The situation was put in the hands of captain PatisserieMK. In the French GM`s 12 years in this job, this was a first. He surveyed the site from 300 feet up on his sky-bike. As directed, he ordered the site blocked off until a fully equipped team arrived. The crew of mages he called in were hard at work trying to snuff the fire from a distance using their long range attacks.

He checked his message bar- no survivors reported- yet. If they were, his orders were to destroy them unless the big team has arrived, which it didn’t.
Now, he thought, would be a time for the Katimavik guild to show up. He could use some free labor and shave some costs off his bill for this job. read more

Devilryfire lvl82!!!

Well I accidentally deleted the lvl80 blog the last time, so I’ll create one only now.
I’M LVL82!!! WOOT!!! FEEL SOO HIGH!!! *calms down*

If any of you have seen my post, I said being a poison mage was uber boring. I retract my statement.
After watching an instructional video on youtube, I tried following the mage’s mysting style and got wonderful results from bone fish. I trained 50% in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Yes, I’m not kidding. That’s how fast I would have trained at lvl45, except that I’m lvl82, almost twice the level. read more

.Character Simulators.

Of course we all know the 2 simulators:
link – Kigae-chu
link – Adagio

But, there is one last one I’d like to share. It belongs to HappyMapling and it’s currently in BETA, so it’s not perfectly organized YET. It looks very nice and I hope you enjoy this!


Please click ‘Click here if you enjoyed this blog.’ if the new beta charac. sim helped you. Spread this simulator around to let other people know about this! It’s gonna turn out great. read more

ZzZzZzZzZz… Yawn.

…………………… Yep, bored. I feel like dead-like.
Well, I did do something. I got some more exp for my mage on Broa. I made a sidearm out of legos. I failed to retrieve my hacked Runescape account (pfft, like it had mils or anything. The only thing worth inside of that account would be my 100k and the rune scimmy. Oh, and the lvl. But, it was a non-member, and I finished all the quests, so… yea). read more

Double EXP Event.

Wow, that even today was crazy, I lagged so much! Once I lagged so much I could finally move again, when a monsters appears out of nowhere and hits me twice, before I have time to heal, I lagg again, and die.
I played 2 hours straight! Yes no bathroom, only water. And yes I am kinda an addict. * NOTE I SAID KINDA*
So after dying I kept trainning, and by the end I was at 85%. Started at 58% ended with 85% read more

I wrote a song.

I never did lose a battle
But I’m feeling further from the end of war
And rarely ever self assured
Why does it seem like the ones who have everything have nothing inside?
They have nothing inside

I don’t sleep anymore
I gave it up
Because what we do is not enough
And now they’re calling out our bluffs
Have you done a single thing for someone else?
Or do you take take take until your belly is stuffed? read more

Khainpriest! Yay!

Well today i decided to go kill mushmom againand of course i killed her. Nothing good. Partied with a sin after 1stkill. Then i discovered the sin was a hacker expeled her left the party. I quit my old guild Noodlez. It was a good guild and I had liked it. But recently our guild leader got hacks. And now he is a hacker. So I quit this guild and joined a new guild: XGods. I was the 4th lowest level in there. we has 3rd job advancers =D. It was altogather a better guild then noodlez. As I was heading back to Ludi for PQ I saw Khainpriest (the fromer highest in khani) I decided to fame her . But I already famed a level47 legit begginer . It must have been hard to get to 47 as a begginer without hacking.
Pic 1: Khainpriest
Pic2:Khainpriest read more

best orbis ride ever!!!!!!! =)

my friend was over the other day and taught me how to hack. the first thing he gave me was godmode, the best hack in the world for ship rides. so i wanted to show my friends in ms but they were in vic and i was in orbis. i had 2 take the dreaded ship ride to vic. BUT as you know it can always be fun on ch 1.

so i got on the ship and waited inside. i wanted 2 check my godmode so i went outside during the ride to find 2 crimsons and 5 dead players. i put darksite on to not look conspicuous. i quickly ran back in and repeatedly yelled “THE BALROGS R GONE THE DK KILLED THEM”. but no one notice the strongest person who entered the ship was lvl 60. so 1 by 1 they went outside and i watched them die laughing my head off. soon some lvl 50+sins asked me if i was lying so i said yes (because they were the only 1s left). i told them they could use ds and the crims wouldn’t touch them so they could see the bodies and they went!!!!! i was able to killl more than 3/4 of the original crew! IT WAS THE BEST SHIP RIDE EVER!!!! read more

Niva (Character in Paper Hell RP)

MMOid: Niva
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Specialty: Water (ability to create, shift and control water), defense spells

Weapons: 1. Two (fairly long) daggers in sheaths in a belt around her waist on either side (slightly curved inwards, middle to tip of blades are jagged, silver blade and a fancy handle with elegant designs). 2. ‘Mini daggers’ kept in her armbands for throwing when quick attacks are necessary (slightly curved, head with gold handle) 3. Silver and blue staff (two blades at the top curving inwards surrounding a big sapphire gemstone, blue ribbons crawl down from below the head of the staff to the bottom with little trinkets–staff’s length is from a little above her head to the ground and it helps control water)—if the staff is not wielded by her, it will turn to water until she ‘summons’ it back to its original form (or back into the long necklace around her neck—see Description). 4. When she fights, she fights like a ‘cat’ (if you know what I mean– fast reflexes, flexible, runs fast and quietly etc.). read more