
my new guild!!!
i have left nejisbuddys cuz there were no more active members
we are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
happy wit our new guild
Jamaicanxsin leader
d0ntl00katme yours truly member
magicspoof jr master
watupitzmandy jr master
daniels… forgot member

Anyone here plays MapleSEA?

If anyone here plays maplesea can you tell me your IGN?- in game name and ur world? ^^ i wanna see how many people =) maybe when the people at PCbunk have finished downloading new version on my laptop i can go online and meet u all 😀

Oh yeah, if u play mapleSEA click the ” click here if you like this blog” button =) if u jus happen to pass by.. click too 😀 and if you exist click too =.=ll! read more

Tales of a Lost World 8

Episode 8 The Dagger and Claw Clash!

Ryuu leads the way, as Ayame, Ivy, and Sasha follow behind, leaping over trees and running over the mountainous terrain outside Skylark City.

Ayame turns to Ryuu as they run, her eyes straining ahead where the large shadow of the Dragon Paradox sits in the sky. “Ryuu…are you sure Kunai will be all right facing Azuria himself?” read more

Raven Chronicles Part 1

-Click the “I Like It” Button
-I ran out of ideas for Raven Story so I thought up this series
-Click the “I Like It” Button
-This does not mean I will discontinue Raven Story, maybe the delay of it will double or something…
-Click the “I Like It” Button
-Remember, Strangers have the best candy
-Click the “I Like It” Button read more

Aliyah loves….


AlterOfGod is this one male who MMOTales currently rather dislikes (I like him a lot though <33)
Alter, ever since I saw you across the room
Oh gawd! It was just a phantasmagoric experience.
Since my love has grown for you, my Life has turned a rose hue.
It’s all for you- my passion, love, existence
Why, at night, how I dream of you with such a forlorn sigh.
The thoughts of your name, your voice, your great chin line… read more