” I love you, Jo”. The words she was longing to hear for so long. She was lost for words but she summed up her courage and responded. “…MWAHAHA TOTALLY!!! NOW I SHALL EAT YOUR SOUL!!” before he could even make a facial expression he was frozen, and he fell to the ground stiff as a 2×4. “YESS YESS I MUST HAVE SOULS”
Monthly Archives: August 2006
hackers galore (and a Berzerker!!)
i’ve got 3 pics of hackers in Windia. And a pic of the 1st ever berzerker in windia. Hope you like! ~killr
THE Best BLOG ever
OMG not really but anyways. I hate server checks and or what ever and i hate most every thing wawa . . . Ok I WOULD HAVE ANOTHER COMIC… but no… SERVER CHECK -.-Show how bored you are!! CLick that you liked my blog oh and flam me or just say some thing random or just some thing.
Another Scammer…..
Lol. Just look at the pic. Don’t know WHY he told me to press tab tab space bar enter (sarcasm). And yes i have way more money.
Aurora’s Redemption – Thirty-five
¤ Arrival in Ellinia
A foghorn bellowed as the ship floated into the harbour through the mists. While the ship docked, Silver emerged from the cabin to join the passengers gathered on the deck, Jaysen following a little behind her. The vast Ellinia Harbour before the ship was teeming with people, adventurers waiting to board the ship, their family and friends seeing them off, and even more people waiting for their loved ones to arrive.
Ludi PQ
Although My week started with many suicidal incedents, I ACCUALY managed to level up on the following day!
I was in Ludi, so I thought, ehh, why not try getting into a pq? I went to Ch 1 near-spamming Joining PQ with a F2 face. Just then, a friend logged in, so i asked if he wanted to pq. He said yes, and we decided to join a party. SO now, I was near-spamming joining PQ must have room for 2. Great, I get a party invite, but they only have room for one, so I ask, “Can my friend join?” The leader was confused. It turns out, that there was this other level 36 Dit who CLAIMED to be the person whom i was intentionally trying to pq with.The leader didnt kick the Dit because he was probably one of the few kind-hearted people of Broa(XD). I was about to quit, when my friend told me not to. I (seriously now) spammed him with 1000000000 apologies, and the leader said that he would invite him for the next pq. We get in, and then after stage 3, someone says that they had to go. I thought, GREAT! My friend can join now! WE rush and invite him, and finish pq like that. We attept a rush, but my friend leaves, because of constant insults (“nooblet" from the level 48-er.Then my friend logges What a jerk that level 48-er is.. I got around 19%. We then get a stage 8 track, and we get in. HORRAY!! WE finish it, yadiyadiyahh… Then the leader said that he had to go. Some other guy becomes leader, and we go in(it was empty) after this, he REALLY had to go, so i left the party and asked a guild mate if they wanted to pq. They said that they were already in one. I tracked them, and found that they were in the channel that i was in. Turns out that they tracked my leader.. One of them said in guild chat that the leader will kick the really anoyying bowman for me. I traclked them again, and they were in stage 4…
I found out, that they didnt have space, so i got REALLY furious and started muttering curses under my breath. MOVING ON
The old leader (pq #3) came back and partied me. We got more people and PQed again. HORRAY!! After this pq, he had to go, so i said that i would be leader, and quickly went to ch 1 to get somsone. Luckily, I got a level 48 Wiz. I spammed “CH 4 CH 4” We got in. I was thinkign to myself, “OMG this will be my first pq as leader. Hope I dont screw up…”
I didnt =3
In fact, I even level to 40 on that pq. WHAT A MIRACLE 0=)
We went through bonus, and we went out, thinking that we would have to check the good ol’ track list. But when we got out, The ch was empty. NOT A SOUL =]. I was like, omgomgomg. I click on the talkative little red octagonal shaped sign, and started to pq again. We finihsed and i said my farewells, then I logged off.
Tales of a Lost Phoneme (55-56)
Guess who’s backk with the last two chapters of ToaLP.
Episode 55 The Legendary Second Phoneme
Kunai dashes aimlessly about in the empty, echoing hallways of the Castle of Kyreim, his eyes continuously roving about, searching for a way into the throne room.
He pauses briefly for a moment, doubling over and supporting his weight on a wall, cold and smooth to the touch. He breaths come in short, quick, bursting gasps, as he struggles to catch his breath. Kunai turns his head about, roving for an exit out of the hallway.
His name was Carlos~
Jo blushed as she looked at the new kid. “His name is Carlos” her friend responds.
The end
wasnt that THE greatest fanfic ever??
her name was karla aint got nothin’ on Wafflez ; )
back from vacation
well, back from vacation!
school starts tomorrow, and i’ll be really sleepy from jetlag
i tried to log onto ms!
turns out my account got hacked!
some person changed the PIN
well, seeya
His name was Carlos~2
Jo’s heart was beating fast as she went to confront carlos. He was standing there… cool, collected and without saying a word he looked at her with a “Whats up?” look on his face. “Hi there. Im Jo” she was nervous sweat dripped down her crossed arms as she waited for his reply. “h3ll0 tehr3 pr3tty l@dy!!! Wanna PL@y??”. “ahhhhh” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran down the hall thinking since she was in school she was safe. but the truth was she wasnt… she wasnt safe from…: noobs. But Carlos looked to suave, to slick, to good-looking to be one but in reality he was and it was just another case of dont judge a book by its cover. “fzzz” she heard overhead and everything got dark. the lights went out and all she heard echoing down the school halls was “m0n1es plz!”. Noobs were not just a internet threat anymore… They were life threatening…