Experiment of Maplers

This is another post, whicih doesnt regard my stories. Well I decided one day, to test out the Maplers out there. I made a girl account (i am a male IRL however) and i got up to lvl 13 rogue. i threw wolbis (i also had icys and kumbi and tops and mokbi in my invtenroy but i wanted to look noob). i then walked up to a random lvl 4X mage. he (yea it was a he) and i started asking for 10k. The boy, smiled and dropped 10k, whiched i picked up. i then went on another lvl 13 rogue (a boy this time) and asked the same mage for 1k. he repleid with “wdf, stfu newb, you son 0f a *bleep* i’ll kick ur nooby azz to orbis you f-gg-t!!!” I then logged back onto my girl character and asked the same boy “may i have a few more mesos? i need some potions and take some taxi rides.” the boy then dropped another 10k for me. i took it happily and walked a distance then logged off. read more

Pika’s Story 8- Mush Mashers 2

As some of u guys no, I am now I bit off the track to making these stories, cos I have a exam in my school, so I only have very few times to back up these stories, ok? Anyways, enjoy this new edition of…. PIKA’S STORY!!! xD

Pika: It’s been a long walk now… Im beginning to have mush caps on my toes -_-*
Hog: Patience kiddo, we’re almost there now…
After, few minutes of walking, they suddenly hear a maidenly cry, from somewhere
Maidenly voice: Help!!! Help!!! Someone save me!!
Pika: OMG!!! We gotta save that beautiful princess, before someone evil snatches her! ><
Hog: Errr… Wot makes u think its even a “her”- it might be a “him” though… o.O
Pika thinks for a moment…
Pika: Ewww… U sure have a sick mind, dude! xO
Hog: Lololololol ^o^
Maidenly voice: HELP HELP!!! SAVE ME GODDAMIT!!!
Pika: Either it’s a “he” or a “her” we gotta save “it”!!! (Still imagining that it is a princess)
Hog: Agreed! (while imagining the person as a ugly hobo in bikini xD) read more

First Time at Zombies

Today I decided to try zombies… knowing that I would do at least decent with my 40 atk slain (read other blog) I decided to go. I found that it did take a while to get there but not too bad. When I got there I saw 3 people fighting over a map… I thought “oh noes… its just like I heard about… but then I changed channel and went to the second zombie area… I found this channel empty and so proceded to use my warrior pills, cold bean soup stuff, and get antidotes ready. I started to kill them and found I normally 3 hit ko’ed them and that they gave me amazing experience… something like 10% in 30 minutes. Another thing about htis that makes me happy is my idea of being pro (in level/playing ability, not knowledge or kindness) is being able to train on coolie zombies… so now I feel like I’m “pro” (at least in level/playing ability) so that makes me happy. Please leave comments, if you have suggestions pm me, and if you like it vote so. read more

Who are the Strongest in MapleGlobal?

I heard rumors about strong Characters that reside in Scania… Bera and Broa. Anyone knows a lsit o’ them?

I know (Mabye)

Strongest DK: Tiger Lvl 15x
Strongest Hermit: NinjaGaru Lvl: ?
Strongest Crusader: Toshirou3 Lvl: 15x
Strongest Priest: DarkMateria Lvl: xxx
Strongest I/L: StarMiles (???)
Strongest F/P:
Strongest Chief Bandit: TheOnlyHope Lvl: xxx
Strongest White Knight: Lvl: xxx
Strongest Ranger: Lvl: xxx
Strongest Sniper: Lvl: read more

Oh my lord.

Well, basically.. A party I was in failed at the Zakum PQ 5 times in a row, losing by a matter of seconds.
I wasted alot of time and potions during this, and I’m actually quite angered.

Comfort me, please.

Love Story Review Part I

[For those of you that watched love story on you tube should probably know what it is like. And you should’ve remarked that the author never continued to the 4th part. I will try to continue but I’m not sure if I can think the same way as he does. Very well you are warned. I AM NOT TAKING ANYTHING FROM THE AUTHOR. He is merely too lazy to make the 4th one. No offense.] read more

Very sad, sad scammer…

Omg one day I met the saddest scammer ever. She was trying to sell me nx cash but I was obvious she didn’t know anything about nx cash to start with. Seriously, this was the most saddest and most pathetic attempt I have ever seen. It started off when she traded me and asking if I wanted some nx.

Her mistakes:

– she was a lv 21 mage with NO nx cash items whatsoever. She said that she once had them but then thought it was annoying.
– she said that she once gave a random person 1k nx. (Everyone knows that you can only give nx by 5’s, ‘5, 10, 15, etc’)
– said that her mom helped her get 50k nx (why would any parent do that?)
– wanted 50k mesos for 10k nx (Which is CRAZY, but I offered 1 mil and she still didn’t care, she said that’s super)
– she said that she only needed HER OWN gift code and didn’t need mine AT ALL.
– she never asked for my game id (which you need)
– she said that I HAD to give her the money FIRST in trade or maple story wouldn’t let her give me any nx and a box would appear saying so (which btw, is not true -_- and plus buying nx is illegal)
– through the whole thing she was cool and patient but when I said “brb I need to ask my friend something”, she started saying “Omg, I got to go soon, my mom is calling me.” and through the whole time I was talking to my friend she was spamming on the trade, counting down when she needed to go and kept saying to put the money in right now. read more

Hackers Should Be Shot.

How many Maplestory hackers have you seen whilst playing? One? Two? Five?! Twenty!? FIFTY?!

It’s kind of sad, really.

To all your hackers out there, please, get a life.

Why do you have to hack on a game that is like, made for ten-year-olds? Why ruin other peoples fun in a game? Are you too lazy to level yourself that you have to hack? Do you think playing a few hours a day to train is a waste of time? If you think leveling is too hard, play some other game, like Diablo II. read more


<.< Once again, this really has nothing to do with anything, I just wanted to use that as a title. XD

Well I started at 8 tonight and trained on pigs for an hour or two . . . or three or four . . . I didn’t keep track, got to 24, then I went and trained on stumps and axe stumps, made some processed wood, and made some arrows. Now having outfitted myself with ~8000 arrow, I started looking to pq. Got in once, realized I was going to need some blue pots, bought 100 more, and then had to wait for quite some time, but finally I got in a party with an empty channel. We went through several times, and finally I got to 25. 😀 I’m really happy I finally got there, I can pq now, with relative ease compared to being below 25, and I’m sure I’ll get to 30 soon if I keep at it. I’m still wondering if I should focus more on Seress or on PrinceOfDogs. read more