I woke up in the morning with only one thought in my mind. I had to lvl.
The day before Ganzicus and I were training and i had gotten to 86%.
When it comes to lvling, i am the most lazy person ever, but whenever i get to 70%-80%
i just go crazy and i suddenly have a boost of energy and i just kill like crazy till i lvl.
After lvling, i just turn back into the lazy person and only if im in a really good mood i can start
training again. Most of the time, after i lvl, there is a new quest to do..and so i get to work on it.
So then i lvled in the morning and i looked at the new quest. Only one new quest..and it was the Manji’s
ragged Gladius quest. I soon looked up on Hidden-Street what was the quest about and i just stared.
Ancient Scroll?? Flaming feather??? Rock of a star???? Piece of ice??!! what the hell were those,
and where would i get them. Ganzicus told me that it would be very expensive to do this quest,
and that the reward could be a warrior item.. Imagine, doing the whole quest and at the end
you get an item which isint for your class!
Well anyways i did the Moppie quest (with loads of help from Ganzicus. x_x)
and i got in total: 90 pet food ( what will i use that for?!), 25 supreme hot dogs, 12 Statue-Teleporting Scroll,
Scroll for shoes speed (60%) which didnt work D:, White potions, 15k of exp, 2k of mesos, and +1 fame (yay :D)
After that i went back to vic and just did nothing..but then my other friend came and made it fun.
my friend Z257, appeared and was a orange mushroom.(ss 1) o_o. Of course i started running after him and hitting him.
xDD. it was fun. He turned into a Gray later on, but i didnt take a screen shot.
Oh and ive seen like a million hackers in orbis. Its so annoying. And how do they get up there?! >:O (ss 2)
Thats it.
ps: im not good at writting. >.>
I wz 4 h4x0r.
Anyway, Play Taiwan Ms, I can make you an account

I don’t know what my server name is called, but then the server icon is a face of a Jr. Balrog.
ZOMG! Your second blog! O_O
Oh yes congratz on lvling
Uhhmmm, Well, I don’t know this from personal experience -coughcoughcough- but I /think/ they use the fly hack to get up there.
I want some more mushroom costume thingers. o__o;; It’s funny how people always try to kill you ‘cus you’re a mushroom, and, they are racist.
Oh I don’t know what I’m talking about. =o!
Oh, yes yes, grats on the leveling/scroll working/etcetc.
lol once i was chilling in fm and this guy transformed into a piggie so i tried to hit it T-T but he wouldn’t die so i called it a haxxor for godmoding.
The Moppie quest is the bane of my existance. Moppie can drop dead as far as I’m conscerned. Jr. Pepes are annoying.
Congratulations on completing it. You have more willpower than I.