Extra Extra!!!

Last Night on August 6, Bera beat the Zakum. (<—–FACT) Leaving many maplers from bera in amazment. It took us 2-3 hours says one of the brave maplers who helped to destroy it. Now showing off their zakum hats, they walk around like normal maplers except having the pride that they defeated zakum!

Also, Crimson Balrogs broke the odds and went into the cabin of the boat to Orbis. “I immediatley jumped out said a mapler shivering in fear” “I tried jumping on its back but i was blown back by its wings” said another mapler. And i thought maplers were supposed to kill monsters….not be killed.

Meanwhile back in Henesys, Maya’s sickness has been spread around. Many did not know that she was indeed contageous. ” I’m sorry *cough* maplers *sneeze* i didnt mean to make you all sick.” Poor Maya…

Back in Ellina many maplers believed to have seen a very powerful human summon monsters of all sorta around the map. Many say they saw a sign above this humans head reading “GM”. Many thing it means God Man or Gold Minor. When they asked the officals, the said it was a GameMaster.

In AquaRoad, the monsters in the zoo broke free letting maplers ride them because they could not be hurt by the zoo animals. Many maplers say that they saw jaws swiiming through the town so they called Adam and Jamie from MythBusters. Adam and Jamie then aired a show on shark week, showing the myths and plausable things in the Jaws series.

this is Redsy saying soon i will have an appretice reporter, Leifgreen helping me with the news.

This is Redsy from the MS news headquarters saying, Goodnight Maplerstory!

7 thoughts on “Extra Extra!!!”

  1. can i be weather guy? cmon i had my own maple news for ffs! which everyone hated. . .

    ROFLMFAOIRL Sorry for spamming. . .”space spam”

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