Well, this is it. As the title says. Zhlink’s Finale. This is gonna be my last blog for quite some time. Next year is one of my serious exams, so I’ve been mom’d. She won’t lemme play the computer, starting from tomorrow, so, yea. Heh, guess all good things have to come to an end soon.
This blog, I’m kinda rushing it, so I won’t use any urls for my pictures. >=D
So, Chrismas came to maplestory, and I decided to check it out. Apparantly, there seems to be some new drops. A Chrismas encyclopedia from book 1 to 6, inferior knitting balls, and official knitting balls. There’s also the. . .
Please refer to picture one and two.
Yea, I swear, they could take more than 30k damage. Those stuff are made of pure titanium smeared in white paint. No snow can take so much pain! It’s impossible! It’s preposterous! It’s-
Right, I gotta go back to the main point. But don’t we all get off topic here? Eh?
Apparently, there’s this quest that allows us to get our own pot.
Cool! My very own pot! I’ve always wanted one of those!
>.> Sheez.
Thing is, you’ve gotta make it grow, take it to cliff of happyville, and trade it for an ice cream. The higher level the tree, the better ice cream you get, but there’s and element of luck as well. My tree only grew to level four, and i cash’d it in. Anyways, the tree will grow as you defeat monsters. It ‘levels up’ as you receive a certain amount of exp. In other words. . .
*Smack’d again*
Right. *Shakes head violently* So, what’s so good about an ice cream? you may ask. They add a random stat, as per any other equipment.
Its a face accessory that comes in different flavoured, like Berty Bott’s Every Flavoured Bean. Only no vomit.I got a choclate ice cream, which adds 3 points to the 4 main stats.
Please refer to picture 3 for how the chrismas tree looks like.
There’s also a second quest where you must collect all 6 chrismas encyclopedias, because “Monsters have eaten them books, no-one believes in chrismas anymore! Hey you, you look like someone who’d want exp and meso for hunting 6 cheap worthless items! You go be my slave and get them for me”.
Book 1 to 5 were easy. Book 6. . . That’s another story.
People were screaming for it, shouting and ripping out stuff, a huge riot exclaiming that Encyclopedia 6 should be an easeir drop, there was so much blood, and carnage, and and an-
*Smack’d once again*
Right, along the way, there’re other side quests you can do before you finish the encyclopedia quest. Them qualified knitting balls I can use to make a pair of socks, so that I can hang it on the chrismas tree.
View picture of socks on picture 3.
Cute decor.
Nah, this started another slew of quests.
Apparently, some girl wanted me to bump a fame of a Mapler to complete the quest.
First target, SuperBginner, in a deep part of Lefrea.
I was in orbis at that time, and Silver’s advice was to keep forfeiting and redoing the quest until someone was in the vicinity. Finally, I came across one. Then I realised.
I’d already bumped someone’s fame today.
So, the 2nd quest. I had to get some items, and hand them to Maple Claws. I got a recommendation thingy, which I had to get 4 before I could exchange for my present.
I did 2 more, and all that was left was the fame quest. So I guess I will never know. . .
Finally, I comepleted that book quest, and I got 20k exp, and 10k mesos.
Well, I don’t have any comics for you guys, so. . .
RANDOM PICTURE! (picture 4)
Well, that all. So, goodbye for the guys here!
*Smack’d repeatedly*
OWOWOW! I meant chrismas! CHRISMAS!!!
This is Zhlinky, signing off!
Merry Christmas~
I miss Aquila. ):
Wow, just about half an hour, and this thing is front paged.
I thank ya all.
will miss yah.And i still got those 33 comunity center numbers < <.actually 35,since i called 2 aready.
-chuck norrises-
Theoretically going off topic on this site is sort of like staying on topic so good job!
~LaZzz. . .(If anyone was to write a blog which made any sense the whole world would be in great peril!)
-smacks again-
Very cool blog.
~Anima wuz here~