Well, hellu to the world!

Annikabelle said: “HIIIIIIIIIII .


Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
[Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

Don’t Spam .
[I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]

Blog about MMO-related stuff .

Be nice <3

And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

Don’t talk 1337 .

Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3

Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.

Don’t make popularity blogs .

Read the rules if in any doubt .

Don’t cuss .

Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D

Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .

Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.

Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3

*Shakes your hands with great force*

– *Hands you a MuffinMallow*

Try it .

Its delicious <3

And not poisoned .

-Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-

Haha, I know, hardly anyone who starts don’t expect to greet themselves, no? Anyways… I’m Zhlink, Zhlon’s lil bro. Anyone who goes PaperHelling should know me. Like the bio, I love playing pool, alot. But not a world champion. The only reason why I’m here is cuz Zhlon’s still in the kitchen baking cookies, so I can hog it up. Mweaheaheaheaheahahaha~~

Anyways, I’m here to introduce myself. Zhlink’s the name, average school boy’s the game.

Zhlon said: ” Don’t believe anything he says about any girls in this website. He goes Gaga over any cute girl he sees. And, he’s a total pervert.”

Thats the little message sis told me to pass to you all. But I doubt you’ll listen to that pondersosh, yes? No?

14 years old this year, and my hair ain’t really pure black, like any Singaporean should have. Instead, it’s abit on the greyish side. Weird. Colour blind, pink is dark blue and vice-versa.

People who I know on this website:

Fpooned: The great all knowing Ninja who could assasinatel you before you can even say ,” Holy cow, Its the ninja!”. Scratch that. He could assasinate you even before you could pronounce the “H”. With paper areoplanes.

Annikabelle:The queen of randomness. Trust her to come up with weird, yet funny stuff. Made me laugh most of the time.

SilverFX: One of the few who agrees that rangers rocks. Also has a whole legion of furry, meat seeking hamsters at her every command.

Waffles: One of the first few people to ever come to this website. Is quite a legend (To me).

Fenrir: The only werewolf in this place, who cannot be killed with silver stuffies. And also a previous Monster Interviewer.

Dest1: The guy who created the Smart Arse Nuub series. Made me laugh like a madman.

Ganzicus and MastahCheeze: These two are, in my opinion, good comic creators. Very creative, and very hillarious.

Mip and Captain: The admins of this whole website. Mip gained the nickname of Steel Whip Mip. (Wonder why?) Captain, came from basil, and ‘teamed’ up with Mip. Or was it the other way round?

And last but not least, The oh so fine community of this whole website. I may have missed some names, so please excuse me. Beside me right now, I have Zhlon’s old narrator with me.

Narr: Well, at least this guy is better than Zhlon. He gives me 1.5 of my original paycheck!

Well, yea. Zhlon sorta gave me the FF Monster Interviews, so i decided to add another F in the series. So now it’s. . .

FlyFF Monster Interviews!

Hope no one flames me for this. XP.

Well, I hear the oven ring. That means, it’s cookie time!

15 thoughts on “Well, hellu to the world!”

  1. hiya=D i like cookies =D hope he made it good, not like my class last year, it tasted like a salt ball Xp

  2. I like muffins mmmmmmmmm muffins *drools a little* Hey welcome to this website add me I like laughing and stuff I am bit over weghit I am 14 and I have blackish brown culerd hair (I dont have a spell check for give me) blue eyes and normally in jeans and a hoddie name on the game is mightyzapper lol and dont cause flame wars and things evil things apparently I started yesterday

  3. h-h-how?!?!?
    how do u no so much
    im scared*goes hide in dark corner*
    they are evil cookies!

  4. Here’s wondering what Annikabelle will do instead, now her greeting’s stolen. XD

    *throws a muffin at Zhlink* Y’forgot the Gastropod Army.

  5. Whoopsies. Forgot to include your stories inside Silver. And lazydame, I have a sis. Who has an account on this website. And i snoop around. =D

  6. What is Silver’s ‘Gastropod’ army made out of, anyways?

    Zhlon wants to say,” He’s a Reeeaaalll noob now, so please teach him the ways of mmotales.”
    Yea, right.

  7. Hi Zhlink!
    I have light brown hair and don’t tell people my age b/c I like to be judged by words and actions and not by age
    But a slightly less serious note *queues clown music* I like cookies!


    Upgrade yourself:



    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    Don’t talk 1337 .

    Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3

    Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.

    Don’t make popularity blogs .

    Read the rules if in any doubt .

    Don’t cuss .

    Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D

    Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .

    Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.

    Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    – *Hands you a MuffinMallow*

    Try it .

    Its delicious <3

    And not poisoned .

    -Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-

    *Snaps fingers*

    Greetings, you are now completely under my control . You will obey the rules, and do everything as mentioned above, to prevent yourself from being burnt .

    And you SHALL obey all of the above, or I’ll hunt you down .

    Beware of the fluffy parakeets waving the pillows of feathers at the cow jumping over the orange singing “We wish you a merry Christmas” completely off key, because cows can’t sing for an ice cream watch. The orange screams, and jumps off the cupboard just to find a tsunami screaming that the sky was falling and penguins were riding on sea turtles! Run because a guy in a Halloween costume turned into a dwarf and is currently raiding a sweet shop, and ignoring the coconuts being thrown on him by radioactive lizards! >;O

    Fifteen men on a dead men’s chest!
    Yo-hoo ~ and a bottle of rum!
    What are you doing, you parakeets!
    Don’t squish the captain’s feet!
    The ship’s doctor’s face turned red-
    OH CURSE IT, he cried!

    And the pirates were sued by a bunch of parrots that were actually illegally transported ladybirds who ate beds. The fluffy pillow was impaled by a nuclear weapon when a pirate hypnotized a piece of bread. The pirate jumped off a seashell when he realised that cats were extraterrestrial monsters that were taking over earth, and still couldn’t believe it even when a wall thermometer slapped him in the brain! The deceased captain rose in his coffin and mumbled that he had a great sleep, and he petrified his mourners who were eating purple caterpillars and being drunk. Then he rode on shark, and bought a circus, and called it “JAWS” and made a movie, which led to the prejudice of sharks.

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