MMOer Interview: DarkDragoon

Here it tis!

Click here for part 2~~

Yea, hope this solves the bad quality problem…
*Crosses finger*

Anyone wants an MMO-interview, Pm me, and tell me 2 things. 1, What you wanna talk about. 2, how does your charactor look like.

If you’re a girl, answer 2 more questions. 3) Are you from Singapore. 4) If yes, lets have dinner sometimes. If no, Lets chat via livecam, yes?

Okqay, ignore rule 3 and 4.

P.S Cheeze, you’re next!

12 thoughts on “MMOer Interview: DarkDragoon”

  1. The ones I see load halfway and stops there with weird white space at the bottom.
    Is that suppose to happen?

  2. Yea, a little white space, correct?
    That was the part I didn’t edit off. My bad. xP

  3. Two-thirds of my index finger isn’t a little. . . D:
    *wonders if it’s my computer that’s wonky*

  4. Heck, at least its better quality, ya? I’ll try to improve on that in the next comic.

  5. haha!
    Did you hear that cheeze, he’s gonna kill you!
    ooooooh, you’re totally screwed!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  6. There will be no quality if it doesn’t have me in it.

    Err, that just applies to that single comic. Not all of them in general. =/

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