I got hit.

By a car.

No shyt.

Especially on friday the 13th, two days ago (In Singapore).

So, it was like any regular day. I was just walking back home after I finished my errand. I decided to take a shortcut through a stretch of road, which happened to be a carpark as well. So for safety reasons, I kept towards a side, the right side.

Then, outta nowhere, this car next to me starts and accelerates. Then, it hit me.

Of all the thousands and millions of people in this world, why me.

Thank goodness he didn’t floor it, or I’d be in hospital.

I just escaped with minor scratches.

Even the vehicle didn’t have any scratches.


MMO time.

The other day, I borrowed the Granado Espada game pack thingy from my friend, hoping to get some information for a comic.


Of course I installed it, and just checked on my old family, the Sleyins. But it was laggin so badly, the characters took one step and the screen froze.


And it was promptly uninstalled.

So wuz Gunz.


Turns out my computer has reached the state that even games like Gunz start to lag on me.

Woe ish me. Why does my computer stink so badly..


*Turns off bitorrent*

*Speed increases, but only slightly*


Now, the only game I CAN play is Maplestory. Which.. Was promptly uninstalled a week before this started.


Now, the only thing I have about Maple is this. This is just a quickie of the comic: Undone. It’s just Mya, Zhlon, and Arno(Grant).


Well, at least this didn’t stink as badly as my MMO-section.

I went to play MGS4 on my friend’s PS3.


It’s like, in the future, and almost everything has an ID and is being controlled. Even the guns have IDs. So, unlike other games where you pick up firearms and start using them, you have to actually lauder the guns before you can use them.

Even them grenades have ID locks!

When you lauder the firearm, a counterfiet ID is used, so the firearm becomes something like a “counterfiet firearm”.

And they can be customised!


After MGSing, my friend showed me a video on his laptop.

Oh yea, there was another mishaps on the phone again. See, my friend was constantly calling me while we were playing an MMO game, and I was getting fed up reeeeal quickly. Then my handphone rang again, and I just picked up the phone and shouted:

Zhlink: WHAT?!?!
Eona: Oh. . .kay. . .

Which was kinda stupid, when I thought about it.

And before I leave, here’s a quick pic by Zhlon. (Nyez, she wanted to use a Zhlink production thingy.)

The 4.

This is Zhlink, signing off.

15 thoughts on “I got hit.”

  1. I have a question, when you guys say that you enjoy this blog, does it also mean you enjoy him being hit by a car?

  2. Meido said: “I have a question, when you guys say that you enjoy this blog, does it also mean you enjoy him being hit by a car?”

    Philosophical. Interesting.

  3. Meido said: “I have a question, when you guys say that you enjoy this blog, does it also mean you enjoy him being hit by a car?”

    Of course

  4. Meido said: “I have a question, when you guys say that you enjoy this blog, does it also mean you enjoy him being hit by a car?”

    Rofl .

  5. Meido said: “I have a question, when you guys say that you enjoy this blog, does it also mean you enjoy him being hit by a car?”


    Of course.

    That’s why I didn’t like it.

  6. I hate this blog, I would never want Zhlink to get run over by a car!
    Lol, that vid was funnier than an intro to SNL. . .

    ~LaZzz. . .

  7. I didn’t get run over, it sorta hit my in my waist section, and I just fell to the ground.

  8. OK, can’t you exclude liking the getting run over part and liking the other parts?!


  9. I liked that it was easy to read and interesting. . .
    Getting hit by a car is morbidly interesting

    Glad you’re ok =]

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