In this installment of dueling, I will cover the more common types of arena opponents in tier two: Jesters and Blades. The second installment (2/2) will compose of the less common jobs Ranger and Elementor.
Tier Two: Jesters: The far ranged death dealers that over take the opponent in critical hits. Jesters come in three usual fashions, two being the most deadly while the third not trailing far behind.
Pure DEX Jesters are usually known as BJ’s (Bow Jesters, you fool!) and can use a yoyo, but would prefer the damage bonus DEX does for Bows rather than swing a toy around like a mad clown. Full STR are the true forms of a Jester, and should be more respected than BJ’s in my opinion, for they have a much higher damage capacity than a BJ. Using the Jester yoyo buffs, Enchant Blood, Enchant Poison and Critical Swing, they become quite deadly and hard to even approach. Then there are the hybrids, mixing up STR/STA/DEX in any given passion. While they are not as directly related, Half DEX Half STR breeds are rising up in popularity, because the fact that they can switch up weapons and strategies anytime during a fight makes them versitle and annoying.
Fighting As: Being a Jester, you rely on your sneaky skills, your powerful buffs, and constant knock away with a yoyo crit/knock back or bow crits. Fast Walker and Dark Illusion are still any Acro’s best friend, and no exception here. Constantly use your skills to keep your distance between you and your target great. Constantly deal hits from different angles if your a yoyo jester, the knock back will cause them mass disorientation if you knock back and DI. Always wait a little bit of time to allow your DI to cool down some, and buff if you need to as it is about to wear out. Otherwise unleash attack from varying angles to be as effective as possible. Same applies in S4, but the area you are fighting in causes a lot of change in strategy, figure it out ^_^.
Fighting againts: Jester’s rely on knock back of all kinds with running away. Get in there and don’t let them get out!
JesterVsPsy: Psy, don’t bother with satan, maybe Crucio but not on S4. If you use crucio it will cause them to use skills of yoyo or arrow, limmiting knock back which is what Jesters do best. However, if they are high DEX or STR, their skills will be painful which will be bad for you of course. Using skills like Crisis Zone might help if you spam it surrounding a certain layout around you, which will limit them to use a bow and let you watch a specific zone to be ready to cast your Mind Bomb on them. If you dont have Crisis Zone, save up and wait for them to reveal themselves. Once they have cast away and deal the usual 1.5k+ dmg any Psy should be able to do, even if high STA build.
JesterVsBP: Bill Posters have a varying range of luck here, ranging from easy to impossible. Having quick step, they can catch any Acro quickly, but actually keeping their distance close enough to attack would be hard. BJ’s with 100% critical (in Critical Condition a.k.a blinking exp bar) have it easy with BP’s, while a high DEX Yoyo jester would have almost as easy a time with a decent amount of Critical % + the Knock Back %, they can retain STR/STA unlike any BJ. BP, be buffed and head in attacking, using quick skills like Stinging Serpent and maybe Asal if you think your not going to be critted.
JesterVsJester: Shoot shoot, throw throw, knock back and away, back and away, some one will die eventually. If you think your able to, use FW and DI to trick your opponent and get in a sneaky hit. It comes to ultimate pk skill challenge when you pit an acro vs acro or a variant of their 2nd job classes. Skills come in handy here, but remember that causing a status effect on the opponent will diable DI nearly useless, other than the 1-2 seconds you force them to lose target of you.
JesterVsBlade: Blades, you wish you could crit like this while attacking but you sadly you cant compare beause you have to walk much farther. Jesters usually have the advantage here, being tricky and quick, only the best blade players would be able to catch up to a jester. Even then, the jester would have to be very low STA to die in the 4 hit combo a blade will be able to deal before a jester knocks back or dissapears again.
JesterVsRanger: A true pain of a duel, with the ranger usually losing.
Tier Two: Blades: Blades are known not for how fast the attack, or how cool they look wielding two weapons…its about how scantly dressed female blades are. Seriously, I think there need to be a few more female blades and less female knights, although both being equally rare in appearance. Now blades generrally come in two forms. Full DEX Blades are the classic hack-slash-oppsyourdead kind of Job. Topping up that their skills are DEX Based, they are not easilly easyilly defeated with their movement speed and attack speed. Image 105% A.SPD. (attack speed) I’ve only heard about it, but possibibly with gear that have slots in it, a full DEX blade, with mastered haste can = 105%. I’ve yet to test it but it would be aslo applyable to BJs, too. Blades also come in DEX/STA form, which are usually not party players, and prefer to solo most of the time. Even then, there are a few that have some STR for direct damage as they level up, but hard core players will stay Full DEX all the way.
Fighting As: Blades can compare to BP’s but just can’t out do them at times. They are the nightmare of any Knight however. Your best bet is to chop them to bits. Horrible horrible small bits. In a painful manner too. Your build will differ from Ax’s to Swords. Swords have a faster A.SPD and the sword buffs increasing ATK and A.SPD, while Ax’s have a higher ATK and the ax buffs increasing ATK and DEF ratings. People have mixed both before, but everyone usually uses two of the same weapon to double the buffs effects. Pick your weapons and have at the opponent.
Fighting Againts: Blades use attack speed and DEX to dodge in a battle. Every effective at times too, mob wise. In pk however, they earn a Tier Two rank due only to their popularity as a Job class.
BladeVsPsy: Blades, use your DEX to just run and ignore this challenge because it is very slim your going to win. If your full DEX you will be lucky to live past the third casted spell of the opponet, out of their action slotted five. Being a Psy has it’s killing advantages.
BladeVsBP: With a BP, your Buffs are your edge over any Blade your level, and that makes a whole lot of difference, both in pain and mob aoe terms. With two people just bashing each other into a pulp, the BP will usually win because of their own buffs being able to over take the Blade.
ZOMGZOMGZOMG a 3 line blog!
((Is this gonna be edited later?))
yeah yeah im going to get on it XD, after i write more story on me and Lustful though. until then this is put officially on hold.