I’ll start by mentioning that these are listed in tiers one through three in order of difficulty to defeat.
~Tier One~
Psychipers and Bill Posters
Psychipers~ Come in two flavors od death: Satan and Crucio. Basically either super high STA or super high INT. Using spells satan and mind bomb are bassically any psychipers specialty, but due to the crucio spell, they are earn their place in the higher level.
Fighting As: Easy and simple, while dueling in the arena, use Crucio and your best spell, usually should be mind bomb for its stun factor. While in S4 however, do not use crucio because you can be hit and earn negative karma because you deal damage first so you do the first hit, so thats bad. Anything else would be fine in terms of spells such as mind bomb and such. If your a true pk mage, you would have blink pool and be able to pk truely as a harsh mage.
Fighting Againts: Watch out for these guys. Mind Bomb will take you for a painful spin because of your lack of INT.
PsyVsPsy: A duel of level, equipment, and skill lvls. A Psy could duel a Psy, but as they both are able to use the same spells, its a term of skill and equipment. Remember, no fooding unless in S4.
PsyVsBP: Your only chance is to buff yourself and hope you dont get stunned on your way to bashing a hole into that wand toting magicians head. If you have mastered stonehand, and a DEX BP, you shouldnt have much of a problem, unless they have crucio on. Just go all out in terms of your build and hope your not stunned into death.
PsyVsJester: Jesters have an easy time, unless the Psy has crucio on. Then, they are pretty much in a whole lot of trouble. Using skills will bypass crucio, but your not using your x4 crit rate to the best, which is what any jester uses. If your a true yoyo jester, your skills will come in handy, while cross line is still a good option to use. Best thing to do is have Fast Walker then Dark Illusion into a direct first strike, which should give you an advantage. Should it fail, tough luck.
PsyVsBlade: Blades too rely on attack speed, but still would have trouble with a psy. Without crucio even, you should rush in and attack attack and attack hope for a crit and they dont stand a chance if you crit. However, they will be dealing quite a heavy deal of damage to you because of your lack of INT. If they have crucio on, skill as much as you can.
PsyVsRanger: It all counts on the level now. If the ranger is level 75 and has Silence Arrow, the Psy doesnt stand a chance. Otherwise it becomes a test of pk skill. Fast walk and Dark Illusion with a first strike will help, if your level 75+, make the first strike be Silence Arrow and finish them for an easy kill.
PsyVsElementor: Elementors have very very VERY damaging spells, but are not as good as Psy in pk due to the fact that you cant really pk without risking turning your self purple because of your aoe spells and someone just walking aimlessly into it. I happens all the time. Though an ele can definitely kill a psy, but the power of mind bomb can still take it’s toll on an ele if it stuns. Just fire away your best spell with your prefered mastery spell and there shoudnt be too much of a problem. make sure to be careful tno not kill anyone else now.
PsyVsKnight: Knights have only one good notorious point: high DEF. Not high M.DEF. So fighting a Psy, if the knight is STR build hopefully you can deal a great amount of damage to the psy with skills like power stump. If your STA built, your super high HP might let you last long enough to hit a few shots at the target and hope to stun if your using Power Stump. Go on and hope to kill.
PsyVsRM: Ring Masters have a very small way to win, and thats if they are a Battle RM. Even then, low chance of victory. A Full Support RM doesnt stand a chance againts a Psy however. Despite high INT, you dont have enough HP to live through one, maybe two hits if your gear is great. Buffs are your best bet, with Stonehand being your key skill, also with Holy Cross and Merkaba. Best of luck.
Bill Posters~In a variety of flavors, all leading to a deadly hard fight. Being able to buff themselves to jump about 40 levels above their actuall stats will allow them. The only truely notable Assist buff is Heap Up which does an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE of 40 STA when masterd (2 sta for each level). How deadly is that? The answer, very. BPs are built in several ways, including hybrids. DEX BPs are based on Stonehand and haste. STA BP’s Usually are AoE with Burst crack, and maybe mastering their bp skills to do 1-1 damage. STR BP’S are usually DEX>STA but still deal with Stonehand and Haste. The most mentionable skill here is Asal-something something. Everyone calls it Asal for short. However, what it does is absorb all the users FP and calls into one strong punch. If the BP is full STA, they are making up quite a lot of damage for lack of STR. Beware s BP, and if you should encounter one, be prepared for a slightly unfair fight, buff wise.
Fighting As: Buff yourself with everything you have, even if you have it at its base level. The slightest stat boost would make the difference in your change to win. Even Prevention would make a difference. As a BP Stonehand is your best friend, and should be mastered to allow maximum % of stuning and allowing it to last its longest in duration. After buffing, gear up, use your knuckle buff, and have at them in your build’s style.
Fighting Againts: If they are buffed, think twice because you cant be too sure who did it, and just what level the buffs are. You can guess the level of the spell by duration…but just how long ago did they get it? Just be ready for a real rought fight.
BPVsPsy: The battle of the Tier One champs. It comes down to who can stun who first. The BP would have enough HP to stand at least 3 hits (due to buffs and build) and would be able to get in about 2-3 four hit combos. If you crit/stun the BP would have the advantage, if the Psy had crucio on however, the BP would have a harder time to win, forcing them to use skills over their quick attacks. Mind Bomb should be your best bet, but many people do use Satan to be annoying, but people prefer you dont do that in the Arena, but in S4, its a skill thats free to use. Blink pool is always a good option too if you know how to use it. Ive seen people blink right next to the opponent and win because they are not looking close enough. Just make sure to go all out in the fight, for it could end within the first 5 seconds…including the 3 second countdown XD!
BPVsBP: Ah, a classic fight, and always enjoyable to watch. Two Buffed up fighters, swinging a giant hunk of
metal againts each others skulls. The winner is determined by build, and how well they built them. Usually a DEX BP will win because of Stonehand, but a STA BP can win too because of his high DEF and high HP, out lasting the DEX BP’s stonehand buff, then finishing the match with his stronger hits on the opponent that has less HP from the start. Best way to win here is DEX BP in my opinion, but I have good reason to say that.
BPVsJester: Sorry BP, but Jesters are just too much for you. Having a x4 crit rate for each DEX point making them a very deadly opponent, and at a range which is your only weakness. If your a BowJester fitghting the sad BP, your only worry is that they get close enough to work one combo and stun you. If they do, you lose. But with a crit rate of 70%, how is that going to happen? If your a YoYo jester, your plenty deadly, I’d have to argue that YoYo Jesters rival BowJesters pretty well. The yoyo’s knock back is just as good as the bow’s crit hit, and the fact that the yoyo can cause bleed/poison, thats a horribly strong toy to throw around. While fighting a BP however, you might want to use a bow to keep your distance and prevent them from getting a perhaps deadly combo in.
BPVsRanger: Also another great fight to watch. While the Ranger is obviously out classed, if they are skilled in using Fast Walker and Dark Illusion, they can easilly take down a BP that is not use to fighting such a swift carget. By running around the arena quick and hidden, you can deal many sneak attacks with frozen arrow to slow their step, or maybe doing arrow rain with a charge shot finish into a Fast Walker and keep circling. Make sure to keep a watch because they could catch on and try to beat you to a spot, if that happens simply run throught the middle of the arena and confuse them. This only proves a Ranger is a true hunting predetor XD.
BPVsBlade: Another very good fight, usually ending with the BP winning. Sorry Blades but BP’s simply just have too much in their buffs and stone hand to let your attack speed and crits get the best of them. However, if you do crit them first, you’ll enjoy an easy win. Dont bother using skills on them besides your own buffs because odds are they will stun you before you even get to finish casting. So swing away and pray.
BPVsElementors: Bill Posters beware, this is another class you are going to have trouble with. As an Ele, you have an advantage over other classes due to your damage base on INT and so deal a great more damage than Psys because of your high base damage spells. Also, being an ele might say that you have a decent amount of STA, but doesnt ensure your safety just yet because mages have low defence rating items compared to other classes. Playing an ele is actually not that hard, because their AoE spells are splash clickable. Meaning, they click on a spot (doesnt have to be a target, just on the ground even) and can cast an AoE spell. By mixing it with Blink Pool, and alternating AoE spells, Eles are amongts the more fun and challenging classes to play…but sadly does not earn a spot in the tier one because of the classes unpopularity compared to Psys. If only there were more popular…
BPVsKnight: Ever see one of those kids trying to hit a pinata as hard as they could, but miss? Want to see it in the arena? Watch a knight try to attack a BP plainly, its humorus. Knights, you have superior defence, dont let anyone tell you otherwise (unless their set is +10). Knight gear has the highest amongst class item defence ratings, mix that with a Full STA build, and your just a big nice punching bag for a BP. Use your skills as much as you can (preferably PowerStump for stun) and hope your HP doesnt run out as they deal from 100-200 damage a punch. A fight worth notable mention is a Full DEX BP Vs a Full STA Knight…I’ve never seen so many people enjoy a fight like that before.
BPVsRM: Don’t. No. I’m not even going to write a strategy for this, just don’t. The only thing I’m going to mention is that a Battle RM only posses as a buffed up pin cushion for a BP. Just don’t.
This concludes Tier One. I’ll be posting Tier Two up shortly, compromising of Blades, Jesters, Rangers, And Elementors.
Feel free to ask any questions FlyFF related. If you want specific details, message me something and I’ll post an answer for you.
*cracks knuckles*,
p.s. grah…arthritis is setting in…jk
I have no idea what you are talking about as yet. XD I’m still pretty much a noob in FlyFF.
But a like for your effort.
I’ll keep working on it, and as you get there, you’ll learn everything if you want to be in Server 4 XD!
Uh. . .What?
Lol. I keep having this idea that the moment I spawn in S4, I’ll get killinated. XD Bet I’ll never log in there anyway. :X
Asal is based on the amount of MP you have though, not fp
Hah, Asalamualaikum, I think. It’s a kinda insulting name, but it’s a damn cool skill.
*iz happy becuz is Psy*
Dork, are you sure its MP Based? That would have to be a writting error on the main site then saying it takes up FP. Most interesting,
Oh yeah, and if your confused, ask the question and I’m sure I can answer. If I can’t, im sure someone here can.