Gaurdian Bow +9 / +8 Water
Kind of expensive yes? I kind of thought about it, Gaurdian Bows run 40m+ on Aibatt Server, and spors run 15m+ each. So I thought about it. My Gbow is already +3, would it really cost me …*Caclulates*
400m/15 = 26-27 spros.
Now would it take me that many spros to get it to +9/+8 water? *further caclulates*
9+8 = 17 spros if all succeed.
27-17 = 10 spros for failure.
Odds of success over failure on spros approx= 1:50
…Ok screw it *fronts up 400m*. Sweeeeeeeet…After, I sold my Gbow+3 for 60m. My losses total 340m for a Gbow+9/+8. Huzzah for my Random Contest.
Woah. What are spros? xD
I guess this guy’s just talking about Flyff or I have gone crazy.
Holy toledo.
That is one crazy weapon my friend. Careful.
I upgraded my sword! It’s FIRE!
*Silence.* 0_O”
Okey! I didn’t sell it, but I sure did put it in my bank, along with other upgradeing tools! ~^-^~
Have a fun one on FlyFF, and too all you MMOTales people, (Look below.)
I’m comeing back to MapleStory! ^_^
– Little preacher man.
I had a weapon that I upgraded with a PD4 and I was going to give it a +5 water attribute thing and on the last one, the water card failed! I lost my precious weapon. I didn’t know that would happen. D:
And to think I only have 2000 . . . =(
Spros= S-Protects: Prevents a weapon from being destroyed when using PD’s/Cards on a suit/weapon. Gpotato item only. a.k.a. only want to safely upgrade is to use real $. And im thinking: not a chance XD.
Holy shizzle. Thats POWERFUL!?
Well the damage rating is about +50-51 of a normal +3 bow. So everything dies faster. Trying to make it +10 though is a PUNK though. Ive already spent 100m on spros trying to get it to +10. I hear it takes normally 50 spros to get it. Luck is againts me, but there is that legendary story of a person getting a weapon to +10 sproless. Incredible.
THats, a hell lotta money. ><. I need to get back to playing FLyff.
FlyFF in windows mode lags me! >.<
Me switch to full screen, haha.
XD well lower shadows, graphics and such. I had to since i got the worlds crapiest graphics card T_T. But as in the simpsons:
Ah, the amusement of tv.
Me switch to full screen, haha. :D”
ME TOO! HIGH FIVE! *Misses Fenrir’s hands.*
– Little preacher man.
And my total FlyFF assets probably amount to about 5% of that. T_T
[MAJOR EDITAGE] I HAVE LESS THAN 0.5% of that! >.> Sheesh. Thanks EvilTales for pointing the above absurd statement to me. My Maths is teh sux, I know. T_T
*vaguely hears* LOL, Silsil, j00 phail!