will I ever make it to 70?

I really dont know, because it seems like I have to level forever to get a lv up in my class. It’s also a pain having to lv on grupin because I’m stuck in that room for hours without end, knowing that there might be good drop that I might find… some more then others, but do I really want to do this until I reach 70?

but this wasnt bad, I was playing ghost online, and the required lv for the 2nd class was 40, whereas maplestory is 30, so you have to try harder to get to the 2nd class in that game, but I think it’s worth it.

I’ve met some friend during my journey playing ms, but it seem like there are a few that are left since I began to play. I know some of them might be playing as new character, or some might even have stop playing entirely, but it’s their choice, and I have nothing to say about it, but I really wish there would have been somebody motivated since the time I began. I had a lv 52 player help me out in the beginning when I started, and eventually he stopped playing and I’ve surpassed him, however, I met new friend that have made it a ton harder for me to surpass.

It seem like in order to get to the high lv, you have to be extremely motivated, or use hacks, in which everyone hates you and tried to get you deleted, so I dont like them either. What’s the point of playing the game if all your going to do is cheat your way throught the entire game. We had to work hard for our characters, pouring our souls to get them as strong as they are now, and you want to come by and do it the wrong way… not right.

anyway. I started out this game to see what it was. My friend who was the lv 50 show me it, but I wasnt interested until I saw zakum, and heard how much life he had. I wondered how much time it would take me to reach this boss and maybe defeat it, however, had I know it would have taken more then a year of playing to reach this status, I might have changed my mind, but for now, my goal still remains to defeat zakum, and to beat all of the bosses that are in ms by myself.

When I started, I saw all of the classes, and wondered what I should have been, but then since the mage class was the easiest class to get to, I decided that I would take that class. However, I learned from my friend that I had the wrong stats, and that I should start over. So I did, and continued playing.

Now, ms has become more to me then just a game, it has become apart of my life, and I respect my character that I’ve worked on since day one. It’s not like most game where your character is already equiped with the items he needs to get by, this character is strong, and as I progress, I will eventually get myself to a point where I can say that I’m truly strong.

but now my goal remains to get to 70, and get my third class as a f/p mage, then I shall work on the poison attack so I can kill high lv monsters at a low lv… I can see myself doing great things soon, but it takes time.

11 thoughts on “will I ever make it to 70?”

  1. ^^ That’s really good, for a first blog.
    I completely understand what you mean, about reaching third job. I haven’t even hit lvl 70 yet, even though I’ve been playing for more than two years. (YARLY.)

    Welcome to MMOtales, btw! πŸ˜€
    Now, sit tight and await for the spam that is Annikabelle to initiate you officially into the pack. XD

  2. So what level are you? Well I’m lvl 70 and lemme tell you this.

    Being 3rd job isnt so great. Im a DK and my DREAM is to max out dragon roar. But I have to max out buster and dragon blood to get what I need. Ill be like lvl 80+ to get at least one skill point on Dragon Roar. So the process of lvling repeats all over, isnt that the whole point of the game?

    But the only good thing being 70 is that youll get even more motivated with the skillz you get.

    Im currently lvl 72 and pretty much gave up on trainning. Im on the verg of quitting -__-

    Music can motivate you. Just a tip,

  3. Oh and welcome to MMO Tales πŸ˜€

    Youve already made a good impression of yourself πŸ˜€

  4. Lol.

    I think we’re all been spammed by Anni at some point.

    I’ve yet to receive the worst.



    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [Thats my job .]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    Merry Christmas!

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Hanukkah!

    [I forgot the spelling .]

    Happy Orange Day!
    [That is invented by me. Orange day is everyday! So is Fun Day, Candy Day, Insane Day. . . *Coughs loudly*]

    Happy Headache Day!

    Happy Internet Day!

    Happy Lime Day!

    Happy Jam Day!

    Happy Lacrosse Day!

    Happy Deranged Day!

    [And don’t quote this. Its long. Quote and face the wrath of Oranges and Apples!]

    Indeed, Lumpie guy .


    That was a great introduction!

    Welcome to the pack of insanity, boredom and human beings .


  6. SilverFx said: “
    Now, sit tight and await for the spam that is Annikabelle to initiate you officially into the pack. XD”

    I wanted to say that . But she always posted no doubt . And I wanna get to lvl 30 too . T.T

    *shakes your other hand wildy*

  7. Welcome! Do not unnecessarily spam or everyone will hate you. We disdain spammers and Annikabelle’s only defence against fierce competition is to unleash her cruel wrath of insanity lethal enough to send Chuck Norris to an asylum (I mean it).

    Quoting my friend’s pencil box: ‘I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every moment of it.’ XD

  8. ditto devilry .

    [Am I really that bad? *Grins in a terrifying maniac way*]


    [EDITEEEEE] DEVILRYYY! I want the pencil box .


  9. Welcome to MMOT πŸ˜€
    if u wanna lv up, go on a killing spree for anything that gives u 0.03-0.06 EXP. its gonna take hours so have some music playing
    and if u r lv 21-30 PQ at kerning. if u r lv 35-50 go PQ at Ludi.

    o and if u wanna write a story using character names try to get their permission or just make some names up.
    dont use names of the top ranking players X| ppl will get mad and flame what u wrote.
    lol i pissed ppl off with my story, XP

  10. IΒ…(go to next line for now) bad. (go to 5th line)
    wanted to be
    level 50. Really (proceed to next line)//got past level 50!11(back to bottom now)
    really (continued at top)
    I gotΒ…
    to level 50!11
    And I never (continued at 3rd line)
    I lost my ambition forΒ…


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