Runescape SUCKS!!

Why do people like runscape? I mean its has really bad graphics, People Cussing and Things, A lot of scammers, not many quests( Unless you waste your money and become a member), and hackers.

Why not just play a good game like maple story or ragnarok or world of warcraft or something. They both have good graphics and not very many scammers.

Playing Runscape is just a really big waste of time. I hate it because of the graphics and a lot of annoying people. I played runescape for 1 week and got to lvl 34 and i quit because a lot of harrasing and stuff.

Anyone think the same as i do? PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!!

15 thoughts on “Runescape SUCKS!!”

  1. Fact < Opinion people might think the same about maplestory THERE ARE ALOT OF HACKERS AND SCAMMERS. “You drop first and I pick the item up then I give you this.” Example for maplestory
    RS, too.

    People might think RO sucks.

    But I’ll tell you one game that does suck. . . Ogre Island.


  2. maple story got scammers too and ppl who cuss alot. but congradulations on realizing just how ghey runescape is XD
    good luck in maple story and if u got cash, get world of warcraft. ppl never even say the word ‘noob’ there lol

  3. Sorry for the double post but it must be somewhat good if it made it 8 years and has 200k players. MapleStory is better though hands down in four years 4mil signed up

  4. Dude isn’t it 2 years for MS O.o Well here in the U.S though it’s 2 I think, lol. Yeah that’s why I dislike RuneScape, horrible graphics and from other stories, people PK you (Which is what my bf’s brother did once O.o I had to admit though it was funny XD) I’ve seen Runescape and played a little, Didn’t interest me a lot. I didn’t see what was so special about it O.o.

    MS is better though I got to agree and how the hell do people in WoW not say the word Noob?! That’s like, That’s like treason man XP

  5. Maplestory IS better than Runescape, but World of Warcraft pwns Maplestory and Runescape put together. Yea, its true. I NEVER hear ‘noob’ in World of Warcraft. Unless some nooby Horde/Alliance is shouting it at u cuz ur pwning them. (Horde and Alliance talk different languages but most Horde find ways to say thinks like the F word, D word, Suck my ****, LOL!, and YOU SUCK! Stuff like that)


  6. You can get to access to Runescape at almost any computer unlike MS, no?

    Runescape has pvp, no?

    Runescape is a lot cheaper, no?

    There’s a few good qualities to Runescape, but it was the first MMORPG I’ve ever played, so I ain’t gonna $#!7-talk it. >.>

  7. At least you dont gotta payreal cash to get items in Runescape


    Maplestory is turning into a game where you need to buy something to friggen survive in the dam game.

  8. Maplestory is better than RS because after awhile you get really bored really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored. To have Runescape be anymore fun you have to be a member you get 1/4 of the game for free and you get the other 3/4s by paying. So yes Runescape<Maplestory<World of Warcraft.

  9. It’s always about the graphics.

    Nobody cares about the gameplay anymore when it comes to runescape.

    Annoying people. . .
    Hmm. . .

    Maplestory used to have more hackers then runescape ever had (thanks to the new updates, that’s now a thing of the past).

    I’ve heard more scams on Maplestory than on Runescape.

    Oh, and Maplestory, Ragnorak, and WoW is 3 things, not 2 (you said both).

    P.S. A lot of the community of Maplestory probably spends more money on NX than people spend on Runescape.

    I can’t say anything about Ragnorak nor WoW ’cause I havn’t played them before.

  10. What’s the difference between Maple and Runescape?
    Although, I have never really played RS.

  11. Alas, the Protector of RuneScape in MMOTales hast come!


    @Maplerz: So all you do in Maplestory is train, right? Oh that’s right! You can’t cook, smith your own weapons, fish for FISH, make necklaces, and mine for ores to smith IN MAPLESTORY! Maplestory’s so fun, I’d throw a pie at you.

    Graphics, graphics, graphics. Is that all you care about? Not the gameplay? Replayability?

    Hah, level 34. Guess you’re a hardcore player then. If you play too much of something, you’ll get bored of it and thus cuss the heck out of the game, if not, you were influenced by your friends who say ‘Runecape sux meh bolls!’ or something similar. I’d pity your voting rights if it were the latter.

    Yeah, as if MapleStory doesn’t have harrasment. How about a little ‘CC PLZ’ or ‘MESO PLZ’ or maybe a little ‘U SUK’ for your platter? :3

    I’d say you got flamed. liek rell badly!

    Don’t talk crap about something which you haven’t experienced the whole thing before.

    Btw, I’m level 64 and playing for 2 years.

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