Too Much Work :P

I’ve been so busy I have neglected to use my MMO Blog! I will hopefully start posting weekly if possible.

Well, I started a warrior on MapleStory today, I hope to make him a Fighter. I can already feel the DoomBringer in my hands as I pwn innocent little Mushys with it. XD That will take a long time though…

My Online useage as been cut a bit short. Due to my dog getting heartworms I have to keep him calm for 4 weeks so the treatment can work. Let me add that this is no easy task due to his hyperactive nature. Although, he has been doing an ok job.

Other then that, nothing big to report. Oh wait! There is one thing! I might, if I can get past my Mage’s Lvl, Recreate my guild on MapleStory. That too will take alot of work! The guild is becoming quite irritating, due to the lack of commitment everyone has. I ask all of them to join the guildsite and they all whine. Well, the ones that don’t join the guild site by the 6th get kicked. No skin off my nose!

Well, it is getting late and I have school tommarow This concludes my Blog!

5 thoughts on “Too Much Work :P”

  1. xD Gl with the fighter. I just got my warrior promoted to a fighter not too long ago! xD FIGHTERS UNITE! xD

  2. What world are you in?

    I’ve seen your fighter in Basil ALOT, Waffle. XP


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