Well it all started when my best friend was getting married… I don’t have a girl friend and I think (personal thought) that well it kinda sucks. Anyway of course I was invited but i needed a gift. I’m really poor but after all his my best friend in real life (we know each other). Well at first i thought about a moon rock O.o… I know it might be a bad present for a wedding but what ever. Then i heard a guild mate is giving him a 10% glove ATT scroll. I was like “OMG” but he was like. oh cool… He wasn’t to exited ’bout a glove ATT scroll so what should i give him. Well the wedding is for tommrow so I had some time. I decided maybe I should go get presents and give them to maple claws. I hear if you are lucky you can get good prizes there. I worked for like 2 hours to get 100 presents! I was exited sure I will get a godly item. Then the weirdest thing happened I got a moon rock >.<. Well I had 3 Mill and I decided I’ll spend 600 K for the present. I had one scroll for glove DEX which i sold for 550 k (10%). Then a great Idea came to my head.! I’ll suprise him with NX cash. I knew my parents might have some agruments and it’ll be hard. Then i remeberd wizet cancelled it . Ohhh well If you have ideas please tell me I’ll write tommrow stay tuned next one will be called UMM My maple story day 2! C ya folks!
2 thoughts on “My Maple story day!”
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You could get him a weapon of his lvl.