When someone doesnt change channels
*inserts soon-to-be in front of the word Ranger* Ahem.
I woke up in a happy mood today, and as Im told, when you have a good awakening, something good will happen to you. But this morning was the exact opposite of what I was expecting.
I logged onto Maple story as soon as I woke up; I had leveled to 69 a couple of days before and was hoping to be able to get to 70 today. As soon as I logged on, my friend asked me if I wanted to have his Zombie Map. Why, what luck! I didnt have to waste anytime today and just get to training1 (At that time, I actually thought it was going to be a good day )
So, I quickly rushed over to his channel and he gratefully left it in my hands. A few minutes after I got settled in, a level 8x Hermit comes prancing in full gear. He gave me the F2 face and began to raid my channel.
Im not really a big fan of asking others to change channel, but in this case, I didnt want to have company. I [i][really/i] wanted to get some decent experience points today.
May you kindly change channels please?
He stopped in his pace and gave me another F2.
No. I want a ks war. Tell your guild to come and ks me.
There was no way I was going to call a ks war. In my opinion, ks wars were pointless and idiotic. (No offense to all who enjoy ks wars over there.) And there was no way I would take orders from him. As soon as he spoke those words I knew it was going to be a one-sided war, but I continued anyway.
How perfect this was The one thing I hated to be in the morning was sarcastic
I asked again, hoping to get through to him this time.
Im trying to get to 70 as soon as possible, I would appreciate it if you change channels.
I want a ks war. He said again, Ks me.
I gave him the awkward F6 face. He wanted to make my blood boil. I just knew it.
I did my best to ignore him and continued training. I had gotten here first; there was no way I would give up this map so easily. At the same time, I continued trying to reason with him. But every time I spoke, err, typed a word he would just replied with either, u r to slowly, come to ks me, or I want ks war.
(Notice his horrid grammar and spelling.)
I then called my cousin over to help me; maybe he could knock some sense into him.
About an hour had pass and nothing. Talking to this guy was like talking to a rock.
He laughed a few times at us, saying how bad we were at ksing and so on.
This is stupid, lets go, theres no point of trying to get through to this thick headed idiot. I finally said, declaring our lost.
Ironically enough, that message was suppose to be for my buddy chat but ended up in all. But I couldnt care less at the time. We left to kill Pangs for about a few minutes and now Im here, pouring out my backbreaking day to all of you who managed to read this far of my tiring rant. I feel really sadistic at the moment, ugh I need a cookie. *scambles to the kitchen*
I want to avoid from what just happened to today to never happen again. I would like to know what all of you do when a stubborn player comes to your channel and wont leave. Please, do tell
OMG, You’re a hunter too!?

Some idiots like KS war to prove how good they are, just ignore them and you’ll live a better life.
I have NO IDEA how i’m going to get to lvl 69. . .>__>
Nways, If he really doesn’t listen to you, then I would have changed channels. You might lose abit of pride but you get to lvl and gain that pride back from becoming a Ranger.
~Sometimes, giving in does not mean you lost. It just means you are wise and generous enough to compromise~
– VanillaPocki –
you know what i hate? when i get to a map first and some other person comes in later and asks me to change channels, like what the heck? obviously, you won’t and then they call their cronies and all gang up and start ksing you. >_<
and yeah, but whatever. let’s not dawdle our minds in the past!
hope you have fun MAPLING and get to level 70 to get your job advancement!
Thanks for the tip. “xD
I’m a really stubborn person and don’t give up my channels that easily though. >_<
Lol, agreed, thanks Aliyah. xD
no problemo yun! xD
hey! Not all Sins and hermits are mean! Im a lvl 62 assasin and i dont ks people. Well, only the high lvl mages that come to my channel and dont leave. But other than that im nice to every1. Remember that there alot of stupid and obnoxious sins in maple,but not all sins and hermits ks and do stupid things.
(BTW)how do you add characters?