just thought id waste 5 minutes of my life to post this short blurb.
and i included some pics that are completly irrelivent to the topic. BUT im giving my RS acct(lvl 30 pure with lotsa money) to whever guesses the person in the black and white pic corectly

i also thought id put up some discussion topics for you to discuss so reading this wont be a TOTAL waste of time.
1. whats your fave song? *AHEM*stairway to heaven*COUGH*

2. if an MS chacter was placed in RL what class do you think would be best?likeike sins and mages would totally die cuz sins have no where to recharge stars and mages dont have a place to buy MP pots(maybe vita-waters at safeway?)

3. ANARCHY IS ORDER!!(im not an atheist btw)

4. wich is better, waffles or pancakes? pancakes FTW

5. how much do you think bush is paying to have his wife stay with him?(so cruel XD)

6. how many totstitos chips can fit in your mouth at once?

7. guess what POS stands for(i know ive posted it SOMEWHERE here b4. . .)

8. guess who the guy in the black and white pic is.

9. i dont care what you think of me, your a b!tch and im not and that makes all the difference.

10. what has the world come to when drug dealers and murdurers are praised as musicians for being able to rap in 2 notes??

well thats all for now. enjoy the rest of your life without having your head smashed against the wall by a creepy anime char. (SEE PICS)

13 thoughts on “YO WASSUP hOmIeS??”

  1. 1. I dont have a fave song
    2. Best class? Archers irl. first of all, they can use strafe. 4 arrows into sumones stomach = yay.
    3. uhh. k?
    4.wafflecakes. duhhh
    5.at least a few million
    6.4 at the most
    7. Anarchy is Order

  2. Bling said: “[quote=yPOS1]4. wich is better, waffles or pancakes? pancakes FTW”

    I Hate You

  3. 1. best friend, circle circle dot dot, chain hang low, and much more hehe
    2. uhmm i don’t really kno ><
    3. no comment
    4. waffles are yummy :]
    5. no comment
    6. i don’t really know
    7. POS stands for something

  4. 1. too many to list lol
    2. bandit all the way just give people money and blow it up in their face haha
    3. WOOT anarchy all the way (i hate the idea of a structured society, never made sense to me.always too corrupted by human greed for it’s own good)
    4. waffles hands down
    5. everyone knows bush’s wife is a wh0re from tijuana jk i dunno really
    6. never tried but i’d guess 2 or so -_-
    7. anarchy is order

  5. #3 take a look at the roman empire, babylon, ancient egypt, persia and all teh great empires.
    what remains but broken ruins and distant memories of a structured society?

    the US will someday fall too.

  6. 1. Numb, By Linkin Park
    2. I guess a bandit
    3. No idea. . . .
    4. Pie
    5. Millions of Billions
    6. About 5 before I die of choking
    7. anarchy is order. (I had no clue, I just read other comments. How the f^_^k does that work? POS?)

  7. i dont know. POS = anrachy is order
    ask my warcraft 3 clkan leader LOL
    hes REALLY weird, he says he playes DOTA with his feet, wich i dont belive cuz he PWNS me in DOTA

  8. why does POS stand for Anarchy Is Order? anyways,

    1.*AHEM*Fury of the Storm*cough*
    2. Probably warriors, cuz in the modern day, who doesn’t have a knife that a warrior can use? 0_o
    3. Are you sure that’s what your POS stands for?
    4. A waffle-pancake sandwich would be nice, 0_o
    5. Meh, probably a few hundred bux, since he’s such a cheapskate. Bush if you are reading this, shame on you! and haha, your blacksuits won’t be able to find me since you don’t have my real life info, Hey! HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? *gets kidnapped away by Bush’s blacksuits*
    6. What are totstito chips? if they are like lay’s chips, pringles chips or like tortillas, i can fit about 6 at the most.
    7. Number 3 perhaps?
    8. Maybe Mr. Clean when he was just beginning to lose his afro, 0_o
    9. I’m no girl, and I’m no son of a dog.
    10. Rainbow Monkeys (KND)

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