Completing another day I ended quite well compared to yesterday, with a bit of help of course.
I started off my morning on MS, which is weird because usually I take about two hours to get ready for my day, but the second I crawled out of bed…I sat here. In about two hours of gameplay I managed 4 more candies. *squees* Finally learning that it’s not just Orange Slimes that drop the Halloween Candies {yes, call me a newb if you wish but I did not know}.
To lazy to find another decent quiet area I stayed in “The Tree That Grew I” a little longer. Tag teaming the place with a fellow MSer named Alemeto. Quite the nice person. After about another hour she decided to call it quits and handed me her Halloween Candies, giving me a total of 17.
KNOWING I really needed to get showered, dressed, and off to the bank I procrastinated just ONE MORE hour until I could manage an even 20. Unfortunately that didn’t happen and at 18 candies I realized it was time to do so.
At around 3 I had the time to sit at the computer, spending only HALF an hour to snatch up the 2 I needed to make a 20. HOORAH!
Off I skipped to Kerning to visit the lovely Malady, who on my first try graced me with a Green Malady Candy, but on my second cackled at me with a big bowl of nothing. I was kind of disappointed that out of my 20 hard earned candies I only got 1 Malady Candy, but that only made me more determined to collect more.
With a half hour left before work I managed 2 more Halloween Candies, and then managed another 2 more in the hours I just played.
With this weekend really binding a lot of my time, let’s hope with the few hours of gameplay I have…I can make it better.
Yeah. I know how you feel. It’s like. . . okay, there’s still one hour more, let’s just get to 70%. Then it’ll be ‘Ah, still half an hour, let’s get to 80%’ and so on until ‘Oh shoot, only 5 mins left!?’
you know how things get cheaper after holidays? well maybe candy spawn will skyrocket once the event s over.
Hear! hear!