Another set of disappointing days in the world of Maple as my quest for a Maple Soul Singer continues.
Yesterday was only two hours worth of Maple time, which only cut me at about 400 Green Mushrooms ending with nothing, thanks to a thunderstorm that caused an early log off.
Today I marinated in front of the computer, determined that today would be the day I would get my Maple Soul Singer! After about 400 Green Mushrooms I took a small break to head over to Orbis and once again expand my guild. Forking over the 1.5 million I expanded my guild another 5 and after the use of a Super Megaphone successfully added 3 new Dong Bang Shin Ki fans to the guild. ^^
Making my way back to the lovely Tree Dungeon VI North of Ellinia, I continued to hack {not cheat hacking. As in an attacking type manner} and slash my way through the respawning Green Mushrooms and Slimes, totalling well over 1000 toward the end of the day…and yet…no Maple Soul Singer.
Granted I gained a level up, and a decent bulk of about 200k worth of metal axes and maces alone, as well as the meso drops from the monsters, not even the Double Event 2x Drop helped me today. *sighs*
Dearest Maple Soul Singer, Will I ever find you?
im looking for a lama too and i feel the same way as u
Im looking for Scorpio and i know how u feel. But the bad part is looking for it is making me lose money >.<
w8 a minute! did u say ‘hack’? or do u mean attacking hack?
omg hacking! they banned a hacker today >.> around 6pm(-8GMT ) it was funny XD
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I meant attack hacking. x.x;;;
as in a term of expression of “hacking away” at the enemy. Jeez, Maplers these days o_O
I managed to trade my Lama for a Soul Singer with a guild member. Not sure if this was the best decision as the Lama had high stats.
i found my soul singer on my third hr of playing of the entire event, 4 hr(one week), 2 on sunday and 2 on sat. on saturday after a break, i went back on maple and found my lama after 5 min, i would think me of lucky because i dun play a lot, (which is why i am lvl 44 and have been playin ever since global was out, GO BETA HAT, mwuhahah)
I hope you find that soul singer
DD keep going at it XD
I <3 you Yoon. If that makes you feel better ^_^. When are you going to use LimeChiffon, I never see her. Maybe I should just add Nozo?
Or perhaps you don’t have a bera account >_<.
Hey a DBSK fan!
Anyway yeah, I can kind of relate. Been hunting for an esther shield and while I’ve gotten really nice drops (soul singer was one of them), it’s just not what I’m looking for. =(