Kenji (MS Style)

Well this is a short story Part 1/1
P.S. Mapler: Citizen of Maple Island
P.S.S. Victorian: Citizen of Vic Island

Well here goes…


It was a Job War when this man named Kenji woke up, Ken was not a Warrior, he was just a man with a family who owned a store in Vic Island.

That day he crawled out of bed like always did, Bacon and eggs with wife and kids. He lived in the Second Floor of a store he ran.

He moved from Vic Island from Maple Island, they called him immigrant, In Maple Island he’d say he was called iisei, it meant first generation in Vic Island when everybody was afraid of the Magicians, afraid of the Warriors, afraid of the Archers, But most of all afraid of the Thiefs.

That morning when Ken went out of the doormat, His world went black ’cause right there, the front page news, Maple Island has been destroyed, “The Maplers are coming!” Pictures of soldiers dying and running Ken knew what it would lead to, and just like he guessed, the President of Vic Island said The “Evil Maplers” in our home country would be locked away.

They gave Ken a couple of days to get his whole life packed in just 2 days, just 2 days… He couldn’t even pack his clothes and some folks didn’t even have suitcase to pack anything in. So two trash bags is all they gave them and when the kids asked their mom Where are we going? Nobody even knew what to say to them. Ken didn’t want to lie, he said the Victorian is looking for spies. So we have to live in a place called Manzanar, where alot of Maplers are.

Stop it, don’t look at the Archers, you don’t want to get the Warriors wandering if you’re gonna run or not ’cause if you run then you might get shot. Other than that, try to not think about it. Try to not worry ’bout it being so crowded, cause someday we’ll get out, Someday…Someday…

Yeah, soon as war broke out, the Army came and..they just come to the house and you have to come. All the Maplers have to come…They took Mr.Lee, the people couldn’t understand, why did they have ti take my husband because he is just an innocent laborer… Said Ms.Lee.

So now they’re in a town with Warriors surrounding them, everyday and night, looking at them from watchtower up on the wall. Ken couldn’t really hate them at all, they’re just doing their job and, he wasn’t gonna make any problems. He had a little garden, vegetables and fruits that he gave to the troops in a basket his wife made. but in the back of his mind he wanted his family’s life saved. Prisoners of war in their own dam country, What for?

And time passed in the prison town/ he wondered if he’d live it down if and when they were free, the only way out was to join the army, and he signed on and ended up flying to Maple Island with a bomb, that 15 kiloton blast put an end to the war pretty fast, two cities were blown to hits, and the end of the war came quick and Ken got out.

Big hopes of a normal life with his kids and his wife but then they got back to their home and what they saw made him feel so alone. These people had trashed every room, smashed in the windows and Thiefs took all their stuff. Written on the walls and floors: “Maplers not welcome anymore.” And Kenji dropped both his bags at his sides and just stood outside, he looked at his wife without words to say and she looked back at him wiping tears away and said someday we’ll be okay…Someday.

I remember my husband said “Oh, we’re going to stay here ’til last.” Then my husband died before they closed the camp

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~

Anyway I’m going to make the Assassin Clan part 2 tomorrow or maybe someday =D

Hope ya’ll like this story and dont forget to click “I like this blog”

5 thoughts on “Kenji (MS Style)”

  1. agrees with serena, evilness, EVIL THEIFS!RAWR! D:<
    *sobs*, don’t die, ><, nuuuu

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