So it’s my first blog and I’m really happy that I can do this and meet new people and stuff. Awesome. Anyway I’m Yaron. I’m from Holland, Amersfoort. Some cool place around Amsterdam there. I’m 15 years old and on the 12th of July I’ll be 16 ! I was born ( Is that a good sentence? I never now how to say it ) in Florida Daytona Beach. Soo ehmm about today!
Why did I wanted to but a blog up? Because of my awesome pqing today with a great party. I died once though. But anyway I’m not a high level so it’s ok I guess.
The party consisted out of Me ( Yar0nn0) friends4eva Ddrako and Daelyc. We were in channel 1 what’s the most populated channel of all so it was hard. But Ddrako just came to me and asked if I wanted to pq and I said yes of course. What I didn’t know is they were rushing with a party already and they needed another member!
After doing like 6-10 pq’s with them the cleaner had to clean my room so I went. I gained 150 % !
It was great.
Off to work now . Talk to you later !
Welcome to MMOTales!
Wow, sounds like awesome PQing!
Thanks for the comment
! And Hi to you!
Welcome to MMOtales!
Here’s a muffin. ^^
Thanks for the muffin! Rather have a nice chocolate cookie but anyway. THANKS!
Don’t hurt the muffin’s feelings! D: *hugs it protectively*
*psst* Don’t think he found out about the poison yet right?
Welcome! Have a nice chocolate chip cookie. Please ignore the seemingly distractive syringe which was filled with poison behind my back.
*Hands over Choc cookie*
Welcome. I wish I had your luck in PQing. ;x
Welcome to MMO Tales come to the dark side we have cookies muahahhahahhhahahahhahha
Don’t trust Zhlink he almost killed me!

Zhlink makes me cry. To many words which I don’t have a clue of what is is .
And yeah the pqing made my day
Awesomeness 4 sure.
Thanks all ! 
Haha. Amsterdamnit.
Welcome to MMOTales! We have some great stuff like the stuff that Cheeze is eating or the stuff that Aaru is looking at or the stuff Lazydame is PMing or the stuff SilverFx is protecting, or the stuff that I am writing or the stuff that you are reading.
-=The Nazgul=-
Your English is excellent! =D