A New Fanfic?


I’ll be making a new fanfic. Soon. After I finally get over the my good pal ShadeReaperX challenging my championship on the Arcade over here. link/forums

Also, I got re-addicted to KoL for some reason. And I gave away a level 60 account for FlyFF to xXVEGGIEXx that’s poor as a drunk millionare with a gambling addict. In a casino.

The story will be entitled “Malice”. I should be able to post once a week. The prolouge and first chapter should be out by tommorow night, PST (-8:00). It just hit me as a spark that set off a dormant story idea that’s been lying around since last summer.

If anyone wants, they can submit some characters. Just don’t give me a name that’s the same as your MMOid, and make it a name that you can use in real life, not “xXxXxXimaweridoteapotnoobXxXxXxXlolol”.

If not, I’ll make up the names. Just give some ideas like their characteristics, name, gender. If nobody submits, then fine. I’m only opening up this thing so people can have something to do with my story.

If you haven’t noticed, this blog has become FlyFF related somewhere before. Just pointing that out.

Time for me to hit that “Submit” button and pray.

4 thoughts on “A New Fanfic?”

  1. KOL rocks. I love it, but I haven’t played much lately.

    I would submit a character, but when I get down to character sculpting, I take a long time, use a lot of effort (just ask AznRiceFan XD) and I’m lazy now. Good luck to your fanfic then!

  2. KOL!

    Is the Kol in here referring to Kingdom of Loathing?

    Darn, text-based game is taking over my mind!?


  3. KOL is teh awsm. But I haven’t played in so long, they’ve probably deleted my account.

  4. Who wants in my guild?!


    *blatantly advertises under sign that says ‘no advertising’*


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