The community 2

As most of you enjoyed my last blog, I have decided to make another on similar to the first, but instead, I will be talking about different kinds of people.

In my last Blog, I talked about Levelists, Classists and the term “noob”. In this blog I will talk about defames, scams ans hacks (I do not recommend doing any of these 3 things).

First, lets talk about “Defame”

Most of you know what a defame is. When someone lowers the level of someone else’s fame, they “defamed” them. So many people these days just defame people for no particulary good reason. You may even get defamed if you don’t give out free money! That doesn’t seem fair at all does it? Now, I am not saying you should NEVER defame someone. Here are the very few reasons why you should defame someone:

1. They are making rude or racist comments.
2. They are hacking
3. They stalk/KS you constantly

There are also a few more reasons, but I don’t want to go into too much detail. If someone randomly defames you as you walk by, don’t get angry/defame them back or the situation will get much worse. Just add them to your blacklist and move on with life. You will get that fame back soon enough! Random defamers will learn their lesson one day. They will defame someone that will get their whole guild onto him/her and then they’ll be sorry.

Now on to scams.

Scams are what people do when they want to take money or your account details from you. Scams are pointless lies or tricks that people do when they just lost a ton of money or got hacked. Most scams are done to try and get back up to where the character was before. Nevertheless, scams should not be done at all in your gaming experience. In fact, wizet needs to do something more than a 7 day ban for scammers. Scammers are the scum that you scrape off the back of a bus seat. Here are a list of some scams:

The “Tab Tab Space Enter” scam. Never do this in a trade.

Hidden-man scam. This is when they tell you to drop something and, not to worry, they wont get it. This may be true but there is probably someone hiding in an area you cant see ready to swoop down and take your precious items.

The “I got hacked scam” Don’t give things to people that say they got hacked. They are lying. And even if they were telling the truth, the only way they could have gotten hacked is by going to a hack site or giving out there account details so it is their fault anyway.

Now on to hackers.

Hackers are the worst players in the game. They use hacks to level up faster, gain lots of mesos or nx cash, steal accounts and other things. If you come in counter with a hacker, do not waste your time defaming them, just report them and walk away. Hackers should not even play MapleStory. If you can’t play a game without cheating, don’t play at all. Hackers are lowlives. No hack is okay to use, no acceptions. Almost every high leveled player hacked to get up to that level. They are just the lucky ones that haven’t been found yet.

Cheating is wrong. Hacking is wrong. Scamming is wrong. Don’t defame once a day.

I think I got my points across better in my first community blog, but I’m doing my part to make MapleStory a better, safer game to play.

Thank you for reading

2 thoughts on “The community 2”

  1. Actually, most of the high levels in Bera, Scania and Broa as legit. About half in Windia are legit. Only a few in Khani are legit

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