Hi. My name is xXVEGGIEXx and I am a level 37 cleric (for now) and I play on Bera. This is my very first blog so I am sorry if I did anything wrong. . .
A levelist is like a racist, only they judge people by their levels. For example, you just got to level 35 and you are excited about doing your very first Ludi PQ. You join several parties and someone says “h0mg! kikc the lv 35 and gt a lv 40”. Those are the last words you hear from that party. You try for the rest of the day to try and get into a PQ, but everyone turns you down for being a low level. Don’t deny it, I am sure this has happened to many of you before. Fortunately, there is always one or two leaders who let you in and show you the ropes (If you are not already farmiliar with them).
First of all, the levelist does not even know if that person has a higher leveled main character and, in fact, has had much more experience than them. Second, just because they are a low level, does not mean they can’t be a helo to the party. I am sure there are many level 40- out there that would be much more help in a Ludi PQ than a level 50 (This also applies for Kerning PQs).
All of the levelists in MapleStory need to learn a lesson. And what better way to teach them than kicking them out of your party when you have one?
Now we move on to “Classists”
A classist is almost exactly the same as a levelist, except they judge players by their level and in my opinion, are much worse than levelists. All of the people that say one class is the best, don’t respect other classes, pick on certain classes and wont associate with another class what so ever, would all be classified ass “Classists”. Every class has advantages and disadvantages to them. Before saying “haha no0b bowm@n suxx0rx” I suggest you try out a bowman character. You may even find that you enjoy it even more than the sin you had before it.
No one should be judged by what class they are or what stat build they chose or what ever. Not all rogues are Naruto wannabes. Not all bowmen are noobs. Not all mages are ksers and Not all warriors are showoffs. The fact is, no class is the same and you should just deal with it. If they WERE the same, MapleStory would be very boring and almost no one would play.
Okay, now on to Noobs
(Note, this section of the blog is NOT to complain about noobs, but to explain the concept of “noob”)
Surprisingly, not everyone knows what a noob is. A noob is someone who ranges anywhere between slightly clueless to completely stupid. Most noobs either:
1. Beg for mesos
2. Ask for you to train them
3. Have extremely bad manners/grammar
You may want to be careful before you call someone a noob. Please do not confuse newb with noob. A newb (or newbie) is someone who doesn’t know very much about the game. Do not call a newb a noob because it may hurt their feelings a lot. There are so many ignorant people out there that will just call someone a noob if they so much as ask them a question.
This concludes my rather long rant. I doubt many people will read the whole thing so I will sumarise it for those bottom readers.
Dont judge people by class or level.
Don’t confuse noob with newb. they are different things.
Leave your comments if you’d like and if you agree with me, please click the “I liked this blog” thing.
Please try to keep flames minimal.
Happy Mapling!
Hi VEGGIE, I saw your comment on this blog link and I agree with most of your points =)
Again, I can’t agree anymore to your blog. I don’t like people who judge others by their levels/jobs, but what I dislike more is the higher levels get called “no-lifers.” Most of the time, my friends and I get these comments from people that have not reached third job yet. Levels really don’t mean a thing; it just means how much time you’ve put into the game.
I tend to stay away from calling people noob/newb, because I don’t think it’s appropriate in any case. A lvl 1x today may become lvl 1xx in the future, so I do not call anyone noobs other than my friends (as a joke.)
I completely agree with you ^^ that happens to my cleric when i want to pq.
I enjoy making a hunter, and sometimes i get ksed ._. (slow reaction) anyways! I agree that all classes have their advantages and disadvantages and not to be biased ^^
I am a newb, and even if i’m lvl 54 I still am! I don’t know much about scrolls prices, still get lost when I try to stalk someone
and don’t know NPC prices of almost anything XD
P.S. Welcome to MMO TALES!
– VanillaPocki –
Usually when I am the leader, I let lvl 35s in. But the limit goes up to 2 ppl only, otherwise it would be difficult to kill alishar
I know what you mean about levelists, at 35, I was better off than many level 40s because I’d max scrolled every piece of armor and weapon I had and I follow a guide for making my character as strong as possible, yet I still couldn’t get into pqs, how annoying. Oh well, their loss. Btw, welcome
><” yes, true,