Sorry for stealing (kinda) your blog title Aliyah, but I thought it would go really well with this blog.
Ever since I came to MMOTales, there has been one person that always looked out for me. They read all my blogs, congratulated me on all of my levelling, sent me my very first MMO mail and was the first person on my friends list. They told me that I was the one that inspired them to join MMO. It made me feel really important.
To this day, they still treat me the same way. I look at them not as a friend, not as a best friend, but a part of my family and I feel I can really trust them with anything.
I made this Collage of all of my good memories. Even though most of the pictures in the collage have noting to do with them, being happy always reminds me of them.
Dedicated to a very special person, my MMO sister.
Hang in there.
super cute! ♥
like, omg cute.
i cant get over how cute this blog is!
<33 Liviadia.
Nice dedications.
The random head in the middle is EXTREMELY creepy
and i think the title will bring people to your blog
brung me o.O (spelled it wrong on purpose lighten up guys)
but yeah Aliyah is great =)
Remind me never to leave on several-month long hiatuses (?) again. I have no idea who more than half of the people here are anymore Dx. . .
So yea. Who is Aliyah?
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww max!

You’re such a sweetie ^^;
Gahh, you didn’t have to do that you know! x3
But yes, Veggie here is probably the only reason I joined MMO Tales. I read one of his blogs and BAM! It was so good and intriguing! And his style was just great. So I decided to join =D
HAHAHAA. It looks soooooo OUT there. c[=
Man, the reason I began an MMOT was JesusFreak.
And he is long gone =(
Don’t feel sad gujju, he might come back one day
I left (Yeah, that’s right all of you who didn’t notice! i DID leave!
) But here i am, Uhh. . back 
lol, look at taht damage and the gateguard. or gatekeepers. idunno. lol
And he is long gone =(“
I’ve been meaning to ask about that! Did he just up and leave without saying goodbye? I wish I had been here to try and dissuade him, I really miss him :< I was so inspired by his blogs, and now they are all gone. . .
Someone calling me?
JesusFreak was awesome *nods*
Didn’t he come back under another different mmo id or something? I’m pretty sure he did. Ah wells, he’s not active anymore. I think we should all make Khaini characters [if we don’t already] and track him down. ^_^
Hehhee, I’ve done that before.
Your name’s Max as well EvilStanger?!
He got banned. Then he came back. Then he quit, I guess.
Lol, isn’t Raza’s name Max too?
There is a whole clan of Max’s!
Me, Evil, Raza, (insert 4th Max here), the list goes on!
But no, sadly she was referring to MEH! <3
EDIT: Maybe not, maybe I’m drunk.