I am sick and tired of people abusing clerics. All of you clerics know how it is, day in and day out… “SPAM HEAL”, “OMG don’t attack just heal meh1”, “Noob cleric heal!”, “Y u no heel”.
Clerics are not your pesonal slaves. We have lives too. We have friends, family and our OWN healthbar to look at. Your health is YOUR responsibility. You did well without clerics before didn’t you? AND WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO “Pots”? The Cleric class was not put into the game to serve you. Heal is after all OUR skill is it not? We don’t tell you when to use YOUR skills. Why treat us differently?
And here is a tip for all of you PQing, no potion buying, cleric expecting people… Don’t be abuse a cleric. We can easily just let you die at Alishar. Think before you act and pracitce what you preach.
My shortest rant ever… Not much to say… Just trying to get my point across, Do my part to help the community you know?
Bring on the feedback/comments!
Happy Mapling
I know how that feels, somewhat. e_e
If some random person invites me to a party, and I actually decide to invite, he expects a level 20 Bless and healing at all times.
I can’t provide either, because I fight, too. I’m not just going to sit there, while he demolishes things, and watch as Magic Guard dribbles my MP to 0 every ten seconds.
I’m thankful I only went to PQ at Ludi once, and the only “Party Quest” I have to deal with now is one where everyone isn’t grouped up together.
But yeah. It’s horrible how we’re seen as a replacement for pots, yet everyone boasts “I DUN NED KLERICK KUZ I HAV POTZ” Then, ten seconds later, you hear them yelling “STOOPID CLERK Y U NOT HEL ME I WUZ FITING FAT THING”
It pisses me off that we’ve been given great Party Skills, and people aren’t appriciative.
BYTHEWAY- This goes for EVERY class that has a party skill to offer. I thank a Rogue every time they haste me, I’d thank a Spearman everytime they HyperBody me, I’d thank another Cleric everytime they Bless me, if I need it, and I thank a Wizard every time they use Meditate.
It’s just common courtesy.
Uh. . . that’s one wierd rant. All clerics I know are O.K.

Well. . . I didn’t really have much time to write it so I just put doen the first things that came to mind.
By the way, just letting you all know, I am going to move to stories soon. . . Even though I am more of a ranter (is that a word?), soon I will run out of things to rant about :p
I’m really sorry for everyone else because I know how they abuse clerics especially at Alishar. Clerics are my 2nd favourite class becuase they’re great. I was doing pq and me and my friend made a deal, I protect him and he heals me:D, it’s fun but I don’t abuse him. If he didn’t heal me I would still be ok because I bring alot of pots. Clerics don’t have to heal for you, if they do then thats a treat. Don’t go expecting good stuff because they aren’t gaining anything by keeping you alive.
i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv clerics. half of my bl is full of em. i luv my friends and i dont abuse them unless its just like teasing. anywho, they heal me anyways because we party a lot and go exploring. i never ask them unless im out of potions and im about to die. theyre happy to oblige. i try not to anger them theyre niiiiiiiiiiiiiice ^-^
i’m only a lvl 39 wiz (my only character >_< that is if you didn’t count my lame mules and what not) so i’ve never PQed at ludi but seriously, i am sick and tired of people saying clerics should heal, that is their job. most of my friends are clerics. well you know what, clerics are their own person, you do not own them. you can BUY pots. you should look at your own health bar. clerics should heal yes, but it’s YOUR fault if YOU die.
I know how that feels, somewhat. e_e
If some random person invites me to a party, and I actually decide to invite, he expects a level 20 Bless and healing at all times.
I can’t provide either, because I fight, too. I’m not just going to sit there, while he demolishes things, and watch as Magic Guard dribbles my MP to 0 every ten seconds.
I’m thankful I only went to PQ at Ludi once, and the only “Party Quest” I have to deal with now is one where everyone isn’t grouped up together.
But yeah. It’s horrible how we’re seen as a replacement for pots, yet everyone boasts “I DUN NED KLERICK KUZ I HAV POTZ” Then, ten seconds later, you hear them yelling “STOOPID CLERK Y U NOT HEL ME I WUZ FITING FAT THING”
It pisses me off that we’ve been given great Party Skills, and people aren’t appriciative.
BYTHEWAY- This goes for EVERY class that has a party skill to offer. I thank a Rogue every time they haste me, I’d thank a Spearman everytime they HyperBody me, I’d thank another Cleric everytime they Bless me, if I need it, and I thank a Wizard every time they use Meditate.
It’s just common courtesy.”
And if you needed rage, you’d thank ’em too?
Only rage does nothing for you except increase staff swinging power and lower your defense >.>
Well, as a cleric myself, I’ve done pqs before, and you should always heal. Your claw is pretty useless and if they die because you weren’t healing, it’s kind of your fault. They have pots, but you’re there to help.
u liar, most of your bl is Wiz and thiefs, about 1/3 are clerics, bb mommy
^^ cleric PRIDE!
Heavily true,
People expect me to constantly haste,
And my cleric friends get p***ed when people ask them to heal,
But mass defames make us feel better =D
-ShurikenLord of Bera
Well, when ever i am in a party of 35’s, I (and maybe the sin) am the only one that can hit alishar. I had to Solo him using claw once and it took forever. . .
It is in no way my fault if they die. Clerics are there to HELP. Between me “Spam healing”, teleporting here and there to heal people AND attacking, I waste over 70 mana elixers er PQ. However, if I heal when I HAVE to, and I dont have to tele to people just to heal them, Then I use about 25-40. Since I am not rich, I prefer MY way. People still live. People don’t need to fully depend on me and I save tons of cash.
You should try it sometime >.>
Sapphire- I thought of Rage, but then I remembered.
It’d be more of a hinderance than a help.
It’s times like this when I remember what a certain Solo Cleric said once:
Let’s see your Unagi save you now!
But then again, I seldom party as it is, so this may not apply to everyone.
If they act all mean go ahead and kill them. just ru away and heal yourself and let them die.