Today was possibly the worst day of my Maple life. I’ll start from the very beginning, but first, I’ll list the characters that took place in this event.
RedxVortex (Leader’s girlfriend)
neopetlove (a really good friend)
lownfelkin4 (The betrayer)
Valkerien (Guild leader)
It started off as a normal day…
Me: Hey guys.
Everyone: Hi veggie
Me: Im kinda bored… wanna meet up somewhere?
Everyone: sure
We all met up in the Freemarket and went to room 6. We were messing around and playing tag. Chris was running around naked with our guild leader, me and RedxVortex were modelling our tubes, neopetlove was smiling at everyone but lown was standing there suspiciously. He said he was going AFK.
After a while, we got bored of just running around in circles like a bunch of headless chickens so…
RedxVortex: Hey guys, lets drop all our maple items in a line and take a screenie. Or maybe we can drop them just to make a cool comic. Take the screenies when they are in the air! (PIC: Me dropping my Lama into the air)
We all trusted each other a lot so we agreed. We took about 2 screenshots until lown decided not to be “afk” anymore…
lownfelkin4: *picks up all the maple items*
Everyone: LOL nice joke… we weren’t done taking screenies so could you out them back?
lownfelkin4: Sure… drops all the maple items except mine.
Me: lown I think you have one more.
lownfelkin4: What makes you think that?
Me: Because there were 5 maple items but you only dropped 4. I was the onlt one with a Lama staff and I didn’t see you drop one of those.
lownfelkin4: What makes you think I will give the lama back?
lown and I had a long conversation in a trade. He was saying how nasty thoughts were running through his head and I was saying that I gave back his scrolled shoes (which he leant me earlier), so it would only be fair to return my lama.
lownfelkin4: Hmm… You have a point there… Alright, I’ve made my descission. I’ve decided to… *Logs Off*
Me: @#$%! The little @#$% ran off with my lama!
Leader: Don’t worry veggie, I got you covered.
We all waited right there for him to log back on. My leader and everyone else defamed and reported him. He went to hide in the cash shop for about an hour. When he came out, everyone was standing right in front of him. You see, while he was in the cash shop, we offered 20k to anyone to defame and report him. We didn’t care for what reason he was reported. We just wanted it done. Anyway, when he came out, about 30 more people were standing there ready to report and defame him. He is still in hiding though. My leader says he is going to get his real life freind (a real nerd) to hack his account and get my lama back. For now, I am just focussing on raising money to buy a new one.
When people you trust betray you for their own greedy needs, that is when you know you have made the wrong friend. That lama was a special present given to me for free by my friend that quit Maple. Oh well… Easy come, easy go.I hope none of you go through anything like this in your Maple life.
Thanks for taking an interest.
Don’t worry, he’s a tard. If you had told me that you lost your lama, I would have gave mine to you for free. But i got hacked by my friend.
Hm, I wish there was in item in maplestory that let you throw a knife out of someones monitor that scammed u or sumtin like that and kill them. lol
OMG, I hate your loser friend but your leader is cool!
ThisIsRaza : OMG, I hate your loser friend but your leader is cool!
yup, dam straight!
Dang, that must of sucked,
Yeah it DID suck at first, then I thought, “hey, if this guy wants to be a d*** I’ll just let him” because 30 reports, or possibly more, will get him banned, or at least noticed by wizet, especially if the rports are all in the same day.
Yeah, my leader is AWESOME. He can make any set amount of money whenever he wants WITHOUT hacking. Today, he made 6 milllion in about 2 hours. PLEASE DON’T WHISPER OR HARASS MY LEADER! He doesn’t give away cash to anyone but his friends. . . That is one reason I didn’t tell you what server I am in. . . It tells you in my other blogs thouugh, Oh well xD