A creepy love story

‘Bout 10:30pm, I was on my way to the orbis station to go back to ellinia. I notice that this charatcer is following me around. Probably just a coincidence, I thought nothing of it. I stood outside the potion shop while I went to get a drink of water. When I come back, I notice that the charatcer is right behind me. . . o_O

Idecided to make SURE he was following me. I went into the pot shop, jumped around, and left the shop. He did the exact same thing.

“Why are you following me?” I politely asked him.

He dafames me. . . So I defame him back .

Feeling triumphant (he stopped following me), I left the Potion shop. When I got to the station, I saw him standing right there. . . Near the tickt boothe. Somehow he got here before me. . .

“iloveyou”, he said. I couldn’t tell if he was talking to his pet (who replied with QUITE a meow) or me.
“I hope you mean your pet. . .” I said to him, already walking away.
“no, u. that why i followd u”

“Ok. . .” I thought to myself. I made a run for the opposite direction, hoping to get away from him. I thought I had the advantage because I could teleport. . . But he had a really high haste level, probably maxed. @#$ %!

Eventually, I turned around and said “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME???”
“Wanna be my gf?”
“Wanna help me make gild?”

At this point I thought he was mentally challenged. I was CLEARLY in a guild already, hence the Guild name under my own. I ignored him and made a start to the station again, probably missed the boat. Darn!

“seks me”

O_O I was pretty freaked out. He kept following me asking for this so called “seks” and to help him make a guild. I carefully explained to him that I could not quit my guild to help him make his because I am the leader of my guild. . . And that I wasn’t interested in a relationship with a complete stranger.

A bit later he finds me in Heneseys Potion shop. He came with a buddy of his. They said they were trying to catch me for almost an hour. I had met my stalkers!!

They both begged and pleaded for me to help them make a guild. what IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?? They were fighting over me, when all they knew about me was that they liked my pixels. I decided to end it by saying. . . “I r a l3zb0”.

It worked perfectly!

That was basically my encounter with a lovestruck noob. I never saw either of them again although one random guy DID whisper to me that I hade nice Buns. It’s like there is a whole group of people out there dedicated to stalking Veggie. . .

HAPPY 2007!

12 thoughts on “A creepy love story”

  1. “I r a l3zbo”

    I ROFLED at that, even though I usually wouldn’t. XD

    Yeah, you get some creeps in MapleStory. I’ve experienced stuff like that before too (though not as much, since I’m a guy and guy pixels aren’t chick magnets somehow). Just ignore them, I wouldn’t talk to them if I were you.

  2. One time, I got followed by an entire guild doing those “heart” eyes.

    Good thing there was only 6 of them.

  3. BTW, I decided to quote Sasuke. “Sorry girls, but I’m ghey. A really HUGE fag.”
    They just “lol-ed” and kept following me. So I consulted my friend and used his solution.
    “I am an 18 year old gangster who’s in Blood and I’m not street trash either. So leave me alone.”

  4. ZOMG it’s VEGGIE! 😀
    you’re back! lol

    i remember you were my first friend on mmo tales <3

    Great blog by the way

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