Eh Hem, lets start, u start as a Vagrant (nuuuuuub) Its kinda boring when uve played for a while, but then!!!!!! if u get to level 15, the real adventure starts. u get to choose on: Mercenary (1st combat guy), Assist (also 1st combat but can buff himself and others =D) Acrobat (a Bow-Using, Yoyo-Using coward) and we have Mage (as u all know is coward except my very veeeery nice friend Thomas aka Dippindots326), Hrrm HRRRRRM I SAY!, Lets talk about some weapons, Mercenary uses Swords and Axes (nutihn more to tell), Assists uses Sticks and Knuckles (too hard to explain) , Acrobats uses Bows and Yoyos (Yoyos are like boomerangs) and Mage, they use Wands and Staffs (U know whta it is, dont ask… or i slice u). 2ND JOBS! When u get to level 60 (which takes several weeks) u can choose a 2nd job: Mercenary, they can be: Blades and Knights,Assists can be: Ringmaster and Billposter, Acrobats can be: Jester (i am one) and Ranger. and finally we have Mage (Magicians) they can be: Elementor and Psychiper. Well, thtas all i think, have fun (download at link, or i slice u) =P
9 thoughts on “Eh Hem, just want to tell sume facts”
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Wow, today’s MMOROG has the weirdest job names . . and stupid too.
. . . Eden, you’re slow. FlyFF has been on this website about as long as Maplestory too. Apparently you weren’t here when it was mostly FlyFF blogs that were being posted. >D link
Heya, Acro. Which server do you play?
I have an Elementor-to-be on Mia, so WHO SAYS WE’RE COWARDS. It actually takes guts to go up to a monster more than a couple of levels higher than you with that little HP, you know. 
Welcome to MMOtales.
Grammar plawks.
And ditto what she said ^^^
SilverFx, i know, were heroes of ”might and magic”, and it takes a little guts to beat a Syliaca, im at Mush, so sry, hope u guys liked teh blog =D
I’m IGN Ryuuki and Fayl. One’s an assist and the other’s a coward. =_= Respectively.
. . .
I’m IGN Ryuuki and Fayl. One’s an assist and the other’s a coward. =_= Respectively.
Crap, double post. I was editing and previewed, which turned my submit into a new post instead of an edit.
Something must be done about that.
Well do sumthin then =P
lolz nise bolg
ur rly gud @ it
Erm, it’s my first, and umm, hanks fo that, but i quitted flyff now so (alphaX hacked me)