Smega Whores

If there is one thing I am sick and tired of seeing it’s those noob ass smega whores. It’s one thing to smega to begin with and make 60% of maple start to lag but if you put worthless crap like “L> For Gf Must Have NX and LOTS OF MESOS”. I love maple story but that new smega had bad written all over it. Maybe I’m a little edgy but I just think anyone who smegas worthless crap is a flat-out retard.

7 thoughts on “Smega Whores”

  1. I was in the mansion, trying to do a jump, thing. . .
    And in 5 minutes, there were over 20 of those things!


  2. D=

    lol looking for a gf/bf based on a lump of pixels barely bigger than ur thumbnail. . .

    kinda disturbing o0


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