Think Nexon couldn’t get any worse? Think again.
The Nexon forums were total chaos yesterday. Why? Everyone’s x2 EXP/Drop was not working. I saw literally 20+ topics about this. There were people who were angry, downright furious, and even one girl who was threatening to press charges if something was not done. Typically, no response from Nexon until the next day. And now what do they say, eh? This is what they say.
Any innocent, non-Maple player would think: This isn’t too bad. People get compensation, everyone is happy. But I think I’m not the only one who remembers this occasion.
Seriously. Technical difficulties. Why do people find it so hard to believe that Nexon has a little button that says “Ban Europe” and somebody accidentally pressed it? /sarcasm I know it’s innocent until proven guilty, but Nexon really makes me mad sometimes. Things with hackers are quickly degrading back to what they were months ago when Wizet was still in control.
Anyway, I promise you guys some funny screenshots, and here they are:
How to Annoy Your Subtitute Teacher
I hope this entry isn’t too short
I’m level 34, but I have no motivation whatsoever to get to 35 and start LPQing. Seriously, who wants a level 35 sin who throws subis? Aaaghhh…Must…Get…Steelies….
~Lord Poo
Oh yas, I made this up yesterday. It’s sort of stupid, but what the hell:
Merry Christmas
Good Night
I hope the bed bugs bite, Nexon
So you can wake up and remember
That our x2 EXP isn’t working!!
lol @ the last 2 links. very funny
nice blog, i click i liked it
What’s up with the ‘Hitler9’ thing at the bottom of your third screenie? Is he like, your idol or something?
I saw lots of smegas yesterday, and approximately 50% or so went something along the lines of “GMS MY 2X EXP ISNT STACKING PLZ FIX”.
>_____>;; So much spam. . .
>>; Erm. I’ve worked as a substitute teacher before. I don’t find the last link the least bit funny.
Long story. I enjoy taking screenshots of everything weird/funny.
LOLlercoasters. You use subis at lvl 35
My friend gave me tops and icicles when I was lvl 11. o.o’ Ah, good times . . . good times . . . But 2 levels later they’re all gone . . .