I’m back – Sort Of

Just so you don’t think I’m on a month-long hiatus or something

Well, I’m not. More determined to get to level 70 than ever, I’m proud to say that I’m now level 40. My DEX falls literally one point short of the requirement to wear my equips, so I’m screwed ’till level 41 There was also something pretty odd. A day ago, Nexon released a notice on Maple that they were going to reboot the servers quickly and that everyone should log off. Naturally, no one did.

So we waited. And waited. I left the computer AFK while I was eating to see if this was some kind of sick joke on Nexon’s part or something. When I returned, it had finally d/ced me. Thirty minutes behind schedule. Way to go, Nexon.

Sometimes you have to give up

Seriously. Well, I still have to learn that, apparently. It all started with me innocently bidding 6k on a clean wg on basil. And then the guy who bid before me, KRAssassin-something- bids again. I bid 8k. He bids 9. I bid 10. He bids 11. I bid 12. Well, he eventually gave up with four minutes left on the auction clock. Lol. Come on, he got the other wg, too!

On a side note…

Say a (late) gratz to Amy (amymaiwang12) on White Knight! Way to go; and on your b-day, too!

Also, I won’t be on MMOTales or even Maple as much as I want to anymore. For a lot of reasons. School troubles. Everything from sticking my state test in the heater to throwing eggplants at people to sharpening the covers of my textbooks using electric pencil sharpeners, you bet I’ve don it. There’s also the problems of gossip, lying friends, and people who call my class and the Tranchinos International Geeks.

So goodbye MMOTales — for now.

Best wishes,
Lord Poo

7 thoughts on “I’m back – Sort Of”

  1. Man, I am so mad, man. I got an 89 on my CA10 semester test. I WAS THINKING AT LEAST A 95+! Man, I just wanna… OH MAN, IT PISSES ME OFF!

  2. The test we took at the end of the first semester for CA10 (Communication Arts 10). Ten as in the tenth school year for sophomores.

  3. Lol, yeah. Mainly english (grammar n’ stuff), literature (Shakespeare and poetry), and mythology.

  4. EvilStranger said: “It’s not a hiatus damn it. You only left for 16 days.

    Plus you only have 9 blogs.”

    Too bad *is now addicted to Riviera: The Promised Land*

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