Yes, I got hacked. But thanks to Nexon (I can’t believe I actually said thanks to Nexon!), I got a pin reset, changed my pw and pin, and now everything’s fine. Almost. My ilibis and 3 sets of kumbis are gone. Dark scrolls gone. Raggedy Cape mysteriously scrolled with my dark scroll for Cape MP (luckily it worked ) My good items gone. And, most importantly, MY SHOES WERE GONE! MY FAVORITE LEVEL 25 SHOES WERE GONE
I’m not even going to see how much I lost on xLordPoox, my former level 47 main.
Thanks to my friend, I am back on my feet hours after being hacked For various reasons, I won’t mention his name here. He gave me 800k, and said he’d pay for two sets of steelies. I can’t believe how lucky (and unlucky) I am. So now I am shoeless, and x2 EXP-less (it expired). Oh yes, I have a little problem too. I tried charging 10k of Nexon cash so I can get the awesome x4 EXP again. I click Paypal. It gives me some crap about how I should be logged in. Not Nexon. The new window popped up, and instead of redirecting me to Paypal, a window popped up saying an error had occured and that I wasn’t logged in, and to please login again X_X Then the window closed and so did the so-called Paypal window. So I’m stuck, NX-less, x4 EXP-less.
I’m going to Target to get a card on Thursday. But I believe x2 EXP event will be over by then ._______.
Also, I was organizing my pictures. Yes, organizing!! And I found some really (odd) screenshots of the old forums, before Nexon surprisingly deleted them due to spam and inappropriate things on it. Here are just a few
Note: Since I can’t seem to figure out how to use the image tags, I just have them in URL form x[
~Lord Poo
Sorry to hear about your account getting hacked. I’d try and help you restart if I had any mesarz on Khaini
AND OMFG. *dieslaughingatthescreenshots*
A likey for the pictures.
Wow, several people are getting their accounts hacked =.=
I like the pictures
True that! ^_^
– Little preacher man.
I believe in transforming breads
Hahahahaha! xLordPoox got owned!
Shutup Froggy. >:(
o_O That’s so old. I saw it on a web site once
Note: If you liked these, more tomorrow
Hey! I have a character on Khaini. Maybe we should meet up sometime and I’ll see if I can get you something.
Sorry, I’m on Windia now. Thanks anyway
Darn you and your changing worlds and such ;~;
I would give you things on Khaini, but I’m probably as poor as you right now. Well, I have shoes, but I’m still poor T_T
Vicelin is ruining my moment ;~;
HAHA @ froggy!