The Spoils of Stones

First of all, allow me to inform right off the bat that I am level 52. Yes, fifty two. It’s not that fun since I am eight levels away from 60. This brings up an interesting paradox: every ten levels bring both happiness and sadness. The happiness portion borrows from the obvious fact that one equips a multitude of new weapons and armours, and it’s just nice and peachy to have reached the goal. Unfortunately, the downside is that you are ten levels away from one’s next goal, and it seems almost daunting to get another ten levels. Oh well, at least I am only eight levels away from 60!

Enough of that lame speak. I came back to Victoria and rocked hard. Literally, I rocked those Stone Golems back to the Stone Age. See? I possess a sense of humour! Well, anyways, the Stone Golems treated me quite well; in fact, they allowed me, the friendly crossbow man, to destroy their bodies so that I may benefit from their cash and drops. I am indeed a rich man, and even a richer man because I got five neat drops in the span of three (3) hours.

First came a Dark Knuckle; not bad, I said, since I got one from Master Robos, and it was three (3) strength. I eventually sold that off and got a nice profit. Then popped out a pair of Green Goldwind Shoes! Finally, a magician item that I didn’t have to NPC because it was horrible. I felt my luck getting stronger by the minute, and then came a Crystal Wand. Woo, looked pretty, so I kept it. I keep training, then came a decent Bronze Identity. Wow, I’m sweating out luck like I’d sweat when I’m around the presence of an aesthetically pleasing female (but I have deodorant for that… not for luck). So I was diffusing luck molecules into the air, and then came a second Dark Knuckle. It only had two (2) strength, so it was bleh.

Now, interesting thing. The Green Goldwind Shoes are apparently sought after on Basil Market, since I intially set the price at 200,000 mesos, and it ended at 400,000 mesos. Wow, awesome. Oh, and I finally got my Purple Tipped Boots from a guy, a random guy. It matches quite well with my pink pants and green beret.

But now since I am 52, I will most likely put Maple Story on the back burner, since I have SATs (tomorrow) coming up, and a couple of AP Exams I have to study for (while listening to Discovery and Homework). I apologize for a satirically lacking entry, and an entry without phallic references. Think of this as a rest stop, because, because… because… stuff happens.


Jagdpanzer is awesome, his sense of fashion is exquisite, and his thrifty-ness is to be applauded.

10 thoughts on “The Spoils of Stones”

  1. >>
    Someone smack iooie.

    Friendly murderous crossbow man, more like it. XD
    Good luck for the SATs. ^^

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