Let’s see, how should I start this. Hrm, I know. Hello.
Welcome to another lackluster entry by Jagdpanzer. bANGx is off raiding some monsters on WoW, so expect entries pertaining to me (Jagdpanzer) and me (Jagdpanzer). Now, updating every level is the norm for me, but I felt like taking a risk and updating while still on level 52. Let us review over a few things that have occurred since the last entry.
1. I finally received by purple steel tipped shoes. Took the Basil trader bloody forever to the point where I did not know the actual price that I was to pay him for. He said 100,000 mesos, so I paid him the 100k mesos, because I didn’t feel like putting up with incessant bickering and whining from him over the price. Ironic, because a 10% speed shoe scroll worked on my green steel tipped boots, but it’s alright. Also, I noticed that I ended a sentence in a preposition. Damn.
2. Stone golems are awesome. But wait! You think you’re so clever and say “But wait, you already talked about stone golems! Hah, you are an idiot, and I am superior!” Wrong. Very wrong. In fact, the amount of wrong you have just exhibited is roughly |<——————————->| wrong*. Instead, I would like to inform you all that I received two Maple items from the Stone Golem deities. A Maple Impaler, and a Maple Doom Bringer. Yes, they are Maple items, but they are trash! Aside from being average, who the hell would want a Maple Doom Bringer? I haven’t seen a Page in a while. I am ashamed of you, Maple Story. Make some Pages and buy my Maple Doom Bringer. Now.
3. Green Ice Queen Top. Worthless item, I assumed, but unfortunately, even a great person such as I has his limits. I was having trouble selling it on Basil for even 100,000 mesos, so I was contemplating NPC-ing it off, so I could have some more slots on my mule! But patience surprised me in the form of a female hermit changing channels in the Golem map, spamming “BUYING GREEN ICE QUEEN”. Obviously intrigued, I inquired about such a deal, yet I did not know the true value of my possession. +1 STR, +5 DEX, and an assortment of other stuff. Regardless, I pleaded with her to display some honesty and give me a decent price. She did, in the form of 400,000 mesos. I was quite shocked, so I asked her to save my spot and then got on my mule.
Now, my mule is another crossbowman, named Jagdtiger (level 40). Bonus points to those who know what Jagdpanzers and Jagdtigers are. Regardless, I abandoned Jagdtiger because it was my first character, and I horribly fubared it. Namely in the form of 10 INT and 10 LUK. Oh well, things happen. But atleast it had Double Shot on it (My Jagdpanzer has Arrow Blow. Big numbers are sexy, and you know it and you should embrace it.) So I fought my way to the same map, and I found her killing Stone Golems and whatnot. I asked only for 300,000 mesos, and we traded. I famed her on that map, and I logged off to get on my primary character. I came back to see her still holding my spot, so I famed her again on my main character (That’s 2 fame, people. 1 + 1 = 2).
And she left.
4. There is no four, because four is a bad number in Asian culture. Bad 4. Bad.
Now that we’ve delved into what events recently transpired, I shall continue this post. I’m inclined to get 10% every day, because that is a feasible number (10% in one hour), and I get decent drops and lots of money. Sometimes I get more than 10%, but never less, unless I’m bleeding out of my kidneys or realize I have intestinal parasites (paradoxically, I will be alleviated to know that my worst fears has turned out to be true, yet sad to know that it is true).
I did horrible on the SATs, if ya’ll wanted to know, and I’m most likely going to do horribly on the AP exams. Also, I bought a nice book… wait, this isn’t Maple Story talk! What the hell am I thinking.
But I did get some nice IBC Cream Soda.
(P.S. I might get a 15 DEX Blue Kismet from a friend. Woo woo. Woo.)
*Note: Not to scale.
Are the Jagdpanzers and Jagdtigers from Zoids? That one show about robot animals fighting?
You’re funny.
Well, good luck for your tests. It’s not always as bad as you think they are: only people who actually care and mug for their exams think the worse of them.