I go on my cousin’s character a lot. The character at the moment is level 78 at 10-20%, it’s a Sader and it takes forever to level. We always train it at FOG, (Forest of Golems)that is located in the depths of SleepyWood.
FOG honestly is a great place to train if you get a good platform to train on and your map isn’t filled with KSers. Some of the platforms aren’t meant for certain job classes. For Example: The top two plats are recommended for job classes with no range or can hit close up.(Warriors,Bandits, Mages, or Beginners) The platform second from the bottom is much larger and is recommended for job classes that can hit with range or a close up attack,(Warrior,Sin,Bandit,Mage,Bowman, or Beginners) this plat is often wanted by many classes because of its good spawn, plus its big. The last plat is most likely always taken because it is the biggest and supposedly the best plat.(Many arguments on this topic could prove this wrong but it doesn’t matter to me so state your opinion if you please.) The bottom plat can be occupied by anyone that feels like going there.(Often the high-levels take it over, or the sins of course)
On my Couin’s sader I have gained many levels there and met many nice people, but of course there is those people that just have to be rude or idiotic. There is many of these people, some good some bad here are some examples. (I do not mean to be rude in any case, if anything that is said offends you I’m sorry. If there is something that I have forgotten then I’m also sorry but I can only remember so much. Feel free to tell me to add anything o.o)
Noob Partiers: Either they are low levels that shouldn’t be at FOG yet and they just want you to party them so they can leech, OR they are semi or high levels that just have the mind of a noob partier. For example: Many excuses to go AFK so the rest of the party fights and that individual leeches, or the over used excuse “I have chat up, one second” -10 minutes later and they still aren’t back-
Greedy Individuals: All they want is things for themselves, mesos, equips, pots, and abilities.(Rage,HS,Haste,HB, Med,etc) For Example: The person comes completely un-ready to train (No pots, therefore begs you for some or will take their time going to the Sauna in SleepyWood) Other people just don’t get the hint. When your rage or something runs out and the ability that you gave them runs out, you go down to give it to them once again but they don’t return the favour they just continue to kill. Honestly it gets annoying, you have to wait around for them to get the clue and blahblahblah. This I noticed while being on a warrior gets especially annoying when it is haste you’re waiting for. A warrior doesn’t have a huge range and therefore need haste to kill faster. (This is a problem when you have a large plat that you are trying to keep) Plus for some people they find it annoying for someone in the party to be constantly saying “Rage”,”HB Pl0xorz”, “Hasteplzzzzz”. There is also that one party member that if they see something drop from a monster that you’ve killed they will come over and take it, and NOT give it back. =
The Insulters: Always there, wont go away no matter how much we want them too. They will insult you for maps, plats, items, and training. They will say anything to get under your skin, and I mean anything. Even if you don’t reply and ignore them they will keep at it. Insults can be anything, insulting your race, your clothing style, job, weapon, damage, friends, the way you talk, the way you kill, anything. Just ignore them and CC if needed. Telling them to CC wont help because they will find a way to insult you while saying that.
CCERS(b): These are the people that if you politely ask them to cc they will go “I’m sorry I don’t have any corn chips left”, or “I’m sorry I don’t understand what you mean.”, even though we all know they do they just want to (a) Piss you off (b) Stall you (c) Teach you better grammar (d) Or they really just don’t understand.
CCERS(c): These are the people that understand what you mean when you say ‘CC please’, and just don’t feel like it. They might come up with the excuse “Well I can’t get a plat on any other channel”, or just state that they had been there before you. (a) Honestly, if they think that will work it wont. (b) They actually might have been there before you and had gone to repot. But their name isn’t written on the plat, if they leave and someone takes it its Their fault and they should be the ones to ‘CC’.
Ksers.: These are the famous people that think ‘they are cooler or stronger because they can ks someone who’s just trying to train’? I have no clue at all. Sometimes people think that they have the right to take over your spot because they can kill faster or out damage you. Most people will argue that its either the higher-levels or a sin/hermit doing the ksing. Yes, this could be true but honestly I think that everyone will ks someone at some time. I remember A LOT of other warriors ksing me at FOG when I had been there long before them. Don’t just blame the sins, its not only them and you know it.
IWasAlwaysHere: Omg. These are one of the groups of people that annoy me the most. They simply tell you that they have been there since forever. Nom. One thats impossible, Nom. Two we know the truth you don’t have to lie that you just want to ks us, just get it over with so we can cc. One of the conversations that I usually have with these people is this:
Me: Please CC
Person: Nty, I was here all day
Me: How could you have been here all day when i have been here for 2 hours?
Person: I was here all day. -_-
Me: If you were here all day then why don’t you let someone else have some fun?
-The Ksing Starts.-
RopePeople: People that are always on ropes. They go afk for like an half an hour then come back expected their plat to be empty. (a) Thats not going to happen. (b) People on the other plats that are killing will eventually need to go onto that plat and kill the spawn there to balance out the map. (c) Some person that is looking for a plat is obviously going to come along and take the platform. They aren’t going to say “Oh Gee, that person’s on that rope there, he might still want this platform! I should CC”, That would be the nice thing to do but its most likely not going to happen and if it did you wouldn’t know because you were afk on a rope. o_O
PartyFo’Plat: They party you, they might be higher leveled or lower (Doesn’t matter). It might seem like a harmless ‘FOG Party’ at first. Good exp, nice drops, etc but then they decide they want the bottom plat that you originally had. “Sure”, you say. So they take it and you take their plat. After a while you want your plat back,(it might be better exp for you) so you ask the person they say ‘No’ and leave party. Just then they had accomplished receiving your plat and you cant get it back with out a ks war. -__-; You now have four choices : (1) You ks them till they give the plat that you had started on back. (2) You keep the plat they had given you, therefore ignoring them and the situation. (3) CC, but why would you do that. (4) Annoy them and make them feel guilty till they exchange plats with you. (Unlikely that will happen).
TheHigh-LowLevel?: “CC, or ill come ks you with my level 120”. I haven’t heard this a lot but it happened to a friend of mine. What happens is a level (Estimate) 60+ comes and puts up a fairly well ks match but you end up owning him/her in the end. Them feeling intimidated and/ or annoyed at the outcome tells you off saying if you don’t surrender the platform to them that very second they will come on their Pro character to ks you out of the map. Yes, it happens people do actually come on these characters and ks you. I remember being a low level at HHG1 (Hene. Hunting Ground One) and just trying to keep my spot I had killed one or two of his monsters. “CC now or I will come ks you on my High Level”, was what he said. Me not believing such a unforgiving noob could actually have a character like this just went ” Psh, sure you come and ks me, I’ll be waiting.” Two minutes later a level 110 hermit was ksing me stating that he was the noob from earlier. I then CC’d and fought lowly snails at the bottom.
Although some people actually don’t have a high-level and just want to make you feel nervous enough to change channels, therefore surrendering the once your’s platform.
De-Famers: There are two types of these people; the ones that go crazy over you killing one or two of your monsters and defame you, or the people that go crazy over the same thing and “Mass-Defame” you. The Maple World has crashed and is only left with the people that can’t be the littlest understanding. I’m so sorry that off of my plat, landed on yours and killed a few golems to be able to climb the rope back up to my plat safely.
Someone shouldn’t go crazy over a few monsters. So it’s like 0.03 percent, by the time you click on their info and moved your mouse down to the down arrow you could have gotten that exp back. No spamming, loss of fame, and for some a day ruined. Some people find their fame a big thing of their Maple Day. Me I don’t care that much but some do. For some reasons I could see you defaming them but not for that stupid reason. Save a Fame, Save a Frown.
TheGoldlyCrew: OK WE GET IT YOU’RE GODLY, YOU CAN OWN US NORMAL PEOPLE. YOU HONESTLY DON’T HAVE TO TELL US EVERY TIME YOU SEE US. For people like clerics these people can get annoying, majorly when they don’t even want to party. Most clerics are “Party clerics”, this means that they put their skill points into things that can help a party: Heal, Bless, etc. They are meant for a party not for single training by themselves, therefore they don’t hit as much as the other classes and can be ks’d easily. The same with slow warriors and beginners, by the time they get their weapon down to hit the monster the godlier person can SWOOSH! down and BAM! the monsters gone and the opposite person gained the exp. Look, I have nothing wrong with you being godly. Seriously, but you can be godly without ksing someone who isn’t that funded or strong as yourself. You can kills faster, therefore gaining faster exp unlike most of the population of maple. (This might change because of the new quest where you can get a Glove Attk Scroll-60%. Also the fact that the prices have gone down A LOT, for almost everything except the new pots. I was told this so I’m not exactly sure if it’s true. Tell me if it isn’t. )
Save a angered Mapler with a torch today! Don’t KS!! ;D
NICE Maplers.: NO the Maple world has not been entirely taken over by annoying ksers, (Sorry but it’s true) there are some people that are nice left! For example; Just about 3 days ago I met a level 91 Hermit. She seemed intimidating at first because I knew I could easily become ks’d. She proved me wrong and soon partied me. We trained the rest of the day before I had to go. During that time I had gained 83% when I had started at 0%. She had leveled to 92, therefore making us both very happy and ended the day on a happy note.
Some people will actually share a platform with you, or just party you even though they obviously could gain more exp alone without you. Some people when they go afk will CC, or go into CS (Cash Shop) so they aren’t leeching from your exp. Gladly..Amazingly I have met more of these people then the people than the rude people I was ranting about above. ^^
I am going to stop writing this now because, one I’m now seriously bored. Two I sound like my Mom. Three it’s becoming too long. o_O If you actually read the whole thing, PrOPs to you ^_^ . I know I messed up in some of these categories, and honestly I didn’t mean to offend anyone if any of these things is the way you do things. These are just some of the annoying things I found while training. Thanks for reading ;DD
N: Non-
I: Intimidating
C: Cool
LOL @ “E” I couldn’t think of anything. Sorry. o_O
‘E’ – Extrainterestingsupercewlfunpeople <- Should SO be a word ^^
Top platform is so sucky that noone uses it, and considered to be part of 2nd platform. Anyways, all classes can use any platforms they want.
True, it’s a populated map, and good place to train.
You forgot Rangers with Arrow Rain = Pretty good close-rangers. >D I sometimes take levels three and one at the same time, because. . . uh. Just because I can.
(And the other silly ‘Sins and ‘Mits in the map can’t clear level one. >D)
Just for comparison purposes: What happens in FoG in SEA. I don’t suppose Global has a ‘owning’ system like this? Because if there is someone who came in and said, ‘I have been here guarding since last week/forever’, they usually actually mean it, and not CCing will definitely result in a chaotic raid/KS war. >>;
Even though it’s strange, archaic, and annoying, but the SEA system helps because no one actually starts KS wars in FoG unless they want a full out war. And it works for me since I almost always find a secure training spot there.
If you don’t like FoG, move to Gryphons. People still aren’t realizing it’s awesome exp and spawn; They’re easier than Dark and Mixed Golems too, AND give more exp. Downside, though. They can fly and you can fall in a pit, which if with good jumping skillz, can easily jump over. If you fall in it, then you’ll go back one map. That’s when you DON’T want a Gryphon making you fall down. . .
Summarized, Gryphons beat FoG in exp, spawn, AND size of the map (more size = more share between GMS players =D). Just don’t fall down in that pit of DEATH. . . . And you’ll be fine. =D
So pack your bags. You’re going to Gryphons. . . OR ELSE! (You seriously didn’t think I wasn’t gonna be hypah, did you? Nu-uh! >=D Not with Pain!)
Thanks =O