Aha! My Maple day actually wasn’t very exciting but now you’re stuck! IN MY FUN BOX OF DEATH@@!
Fun Box, Oh Fun Box!
Small and square and dark!
Fun Box, Oh Fun Box!
Check out these fun locks!
-Fairly Odd Parents. (DON’T ask.)
-Conks you over the head and drags you into the box-
Today was a plain, normal Maple day for me, didn’t want to train so i spent it in the FM stalking people! Rofl. It wasn’t really stalking since my friends came to me, but oh well. Was kind of ‘Blah’ first but then I got defamed by a random person. Fame doesn’t bug me that much, but I was bored so I just started to spam that I had gotten defamed.
Then I randomly got famed by a level 46 that I didn’t know, I famed him back and he disappeared. The next thing I know I’m getting mass famed by a random stranger! I told him that he didn’t need to but he insisted, so soon I was stuck. Once he returned on his character I logged and returned the favour by mass faming him.
It was kind of ‘Blah’ day but I met a new buddy and training partner!
You: -Becomes so bored you pass out in my Fun Box-
Me: “NO passing out in the Fun Box!”
Momentarily:: -Drags you out of the Box to find next victim-
Well anyway, I level’d my sin to level 30, and got a spot in FM to set up store^^
-Leaves next victim to sit in Fun Box-
Click the button..You know you wanna.=O -Moves Fun Box closer to you- ..”Click it..” o.o