Level 70!

Well, to start off, this is my first ever blog on MMOTales and I just became a Mage! It’s a milestone to be proud of..as many of my friends quit around level 5x. But not me, I will keep on going. Besides, it’s so fun to spam Magic Composition!


Dangerous Valley II, I was constantly killing Red Drakes, in the hope of leveling…After two hours that seemed like a nightmarish eternity, I finally reached the Lv 7x Club! After arming myself with Dark Kitten Circlet, the Dark Lorin, and my Gold Lapiz Sandals I decided to head to El Nath. Just waiting and waiting on the boat ride, I decided to talk to my friends about the very subject of being a mage. I had many congratulation compliments, but I wasn’t even a mage yet. I guess pre-Third Job tenses may have been acting up. I landed in Orbis, just teleporting like crazy thinking about actually coming this far. I headed to El Nath and talked to Roberia, only to be sent back to Ellinia to have a test…to kill Grendel’s dark side. Another boat trip, a talk with Grendel, and a little walk to the Door of Dimension. There, I was transported to the Path of Glittering crystal, where I would engage in battle. The battle was pretty much child’s play, since I basically owned him. The only really exasperating part was when Grendel summoned Tauromacis to finish me off. Anyway, less than two minutes passed, and I just seemed to not even try in this battle. Back to El Nath for the test at the Holy Ground. Roberia always seems to send me everywhere, this time to the Holy Ground located at Sharp Cliff II. I had a fire mage with me, so thank you for talking on those Ice monsters, xaznmages! Well, the giant rock asked me a whole bunch of simple questions (Simple if you have BasilMarket), which had the rock give me an item that I had to bring back to Roberia. I used a return scroll to El Nath, and ended up next to the Chief’s Residence. With that convenience, I finally talked to Roberia again and found myself a Mage..after 9 months of playing. Level 70…it’s like the beginning of the game, because that’s where the fun starts. It’s time for a new adventure, but first…DIE YOU BUFFOOONS!


That was my first ever blog, so don’t be too harsh with the negative comments. Now at level 70, it’s time for a real adventure, as I hope to scale new heights.

15 thoughts on “Level 70!”

  1. nice good, job i cant wait to be a hermit which will take yeears cuz summer is almost over T.T 1ST POST WOOT xD

    a thief~
    a sin~

  2. WELCOME! that is a FANTASTIC blog for your first time, my blogs are NOT good, lol and i would also liek to say CONGRATULAIONS! are you an ice lightening wizard?

  3. That’s right!
    And thank you! I think I know how to blog, because my friend is a blogger here, and I am her beta-reader.

    EDIT: Sorry for the little “Bad Word” that a guild member said, I had no Idea it was there! On the plus side, I don’t really notice it because of my wonderful coolness =P

  4. Congrats XDOO1! i was happy when my hermit and my friends sniper became 70 =D keep going ’till 120 and it’ll get even funner! (i’ve never played a lvl 100+ character so i don’t really know if it would be fun @_@)

  5. Congrats on getting to level 70. The magic composite looks sweet in action.

    I hope I’ll get to level 70 some day but I’ve got a long way to go ><

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