Hammer, strega, HAMMER! Tua madre si da per niente! Why don’t you!? Vaffanculo! Vai in culo!
*Mad woman.*
If anyone has a normal commoner hammer in Khaini, please, omg please tell me. xD Give me the stats and the price, or tell me where to buy one or what drops one. I cannot find a single hammer in all of my searching the free markets, auctions, stores and people. T_T
If I don’t have the hammer by noon tommorrow, I’m calling in the Ninja.
first of all, dont lie about ur problems. and second, i hate it when peer pressure takes a turn for the worst.
Aww, I’ve had that happen to me too. One day me and some guy had a friendly conversation, the next, he starts harrassing me DAILY about how i had a mustache prematurely. Stupid m0f0 never heard of puberty. If I ever see him, well, we won’t be seeing much of anything.
What the heck kind of comments are those? o_O
MMOtales is screwed up >.<
It needs to be unscrewed! xD