MapleSAP Special: Justice Arrow II

MAP: That’s my map of Henesys. ya its poorly done SO SUE ME!!
*no really dont . the scanner screwed up and it came out a little tilted.
The map shows the Henesys fields, which are numbered by the town council. Fields not numbered
are proposed farmland.
The big red square of lines in the center is the town of Henesys itself. That’s Hen Park in the middle of it.

In the last issue of MapleSAP Special Series;
Ross Kent and his team visit 7ung-Hwang; Kerning City’s largest densly populated
SEA Landers’ district. A safe haven for fleeing hackers, refugees, and crooks; and a favorite place
of attack by the Justice Arrow. They gather information from local residents on
attacks, kidnappings, and murder carried out by the Justice Arrow men.
After a week’s stay, Kent and his team depart the city for the Justice Arrow’s home town
Henesys, under pretense of doing a glory documentary on the JA.
MapleSAP Special: Justice Arrow
Part II: A Look at Henesys

Henesys is located in the southern Victoria, 415 km east of Lith Harbour, and 670 km south east from
Kerning City, about a 10 hour drive.
The peaceful farming community has every characteristic of a fully functional, self sufficient, productive,
and lively community. Henesys is officially governed by the Equitas political party, the only
governing body in Victoria not controlled by the federal government in Orbis. The Equitas took control
over Henesys after the Food Uprising of 1983*, and basically is working subsidary to the Justice Arrow,
the real authority in charge. The Equitas is basically a puppet party used to make Orbis not think the JA
is in charge here.

The Justice Arrow has been in charge ever since Henesys was founded back in the questionable year
of 1634, following mass extinction of native tribes and fairies who used to roam the territory.
According to the books, The Justice Arrow and Henesys were both founded by Lomi Jalonska,
a monk turned Bow Master who organized more than 5000 people and travelled from Europe
to Victoria. As the Justice Arrow fought off invading forces, the Henesys settlement thrived and
expanded. The people here produced tons of crops and products each year and traded with other
settlements in Victoria. Economic records from the past centuries show that the people of Henesys
made on average an equivalent to 2.2 trillion mesos a year.

After MapleWorld was founded as a country, Henesys became the primary producer
of food and goods for the rest of Victoria. However, the town became heavily taxed by the government, and
tensions mounted between Henesys and Orbis. The Justice Arrow on the other hand seemed to have disappeared;
most of them having been killed off in the war against the Sino Army.
In 1976, the Justice Arrow staged an uprising in Henesys as defiance tactic against the Nutrient Fuel Act- and replaced
the federally appointed town government with one of their own- the Equitas Party- a group of puppets the Justice
Arrow use to control Henesys.
For the past 31 years, the Justice Arrow, now 7000 members strong, has governed Henesys and administered
their policies of religious belief, moral law and ethics, and productivity guidelines for the farmers.
Because the majority of Henesys residents are descendents of the first settlers, they adapted well
under the Justice Arrow’s authority, all because they share the same conservative views,
values, and religious beliefs.
Today, Henesys produces on average 450 tons of food crops (13 billion mesos), equipment and dresswear*
(45 billion mesos/ year), weapons, armor, and ammunition (300 billion mesos year), construction
(250 million-1.6 billion a year), and other goods and services (20 billion mesos/ year).
The average annual rate of productivity in Henesys well over 400 billion mesos, a very good number
considering the people live and work in a basic enviornment.
The average person’s lifestyle is simple: You work much of the day, and then come home to your family
in the evening. The wife and children maintain the house, and spend time together. On weekends, work is optional,
however, people spend time together. Every Sunday, religious services are conducted around town.
When the Justice Arrow’s troops depart on magic powered wooden trucks, it is to rid the land
of the undesirables, namely crooks and hackers.

We were sent to this productive and harmonious conservative town
to get in in depth view of the people
and way of life; to see the other, softer sides of the Justice Arrow
men and women at home, as we are pretending to do. Under the cover,
we will be taking indepth details of the people hidden from Henesys’ profile; the servants,
the slaves, and the prisoners.

We arrive in Henesys at around 4:30 in the afternoon. It is harvest season,
and all the roads are lined with trucks carrying freshly cut crops of corn,
potatoes, squash, lettuce, pumpkins among a wide variety of fruit and grains from
the fields to the processing centers on the edge of town.
It is sunny, but cold and windy out today. As we pass the fields,
we get a glimpse of workers laboring
in the fields. A truck carrying a group of young men and women workers
back into town passes in front of us.
A few of them, are happy and wave to us with smiles on their faces.
We wave back from inside our car, noting
how happy they are at the end of a productive day.
Hank says my name and points to a few teenagers
behind the smiling ones.
They seem down, and Maria, a former resident of Henesys notes they look
quite depressed.

Soon the truck pulls off to another road as we enter the town.
The majority of buildings in Henesys are built in
a simple tudor style, with V-shaped shingle roofs. Most of the buildings are three floors high,
with catwalks lining the sides of each block and stairs every hundred yards.
People, mostly children stand at the wooden railings peering down at the incoming traffic,
and waving when they see their family members arriving home.
Trucks carrying workers stop at every long block to let off a few,
making traffic a nightmare like in Kerning.
The streets throughout Henesys and the roads (except for Victoria Road)
are either gravel or compressed
dirt. The first floors of the buildings have stores, a few restaurants,
and services along the major streets.

Maria directs Hank as he drives us through town.
People walking on the wooden sidewalks or up on the balconies
peer at us with curiosity, and suspicion. Maria says the locals don’t usually
take kindly to any stranger who leaves
Victoria Road, which crosses right through Henesys. We drive through the
grassy areas of the town’s court yard
and Hen Park. Here we see the grand church where the services are held,
and a group of monks walking by.
To our left, we spot the statue of Lomi Jalonska, carved out of diamond in 1680.

Maria points out the flat brown building, which is the Henesys School for Bowmen, and the Office of
Athena Pierce, one of the co-founders of the Justice Arrow.
We park in a space alongside the Henesys Regional Archives unit and walk north along Isaiah Lane,
a back street.
Traffic is still plentiful here, but mostly people walk the streets.
Children are walking home from school, and others
are on their way home from the local shops and services where they work.
We note that some are dressed in plain early attire; a characteristic of the Puritan people.

As the sun sets, and the temperature plunges, Maria knocks on the door of her family’s unit.
As soon as the door opens,
we see a rather cold hearted, greeting. Maria’s mother, a gray haired snappy looking woman
dressed in black wearing a bonnet stares at her, then the rest of us.
“Mother, these guys are my co-workers. We were sent by our boss to-“
“Why did you come back!?”
To spare Maria the stress of explaining everything to her, I intervene,
“Good evening, ma’am. I’m Ross Kent, and we’re here on behalf of MapleSAP Magazine.
We were sent here on assignment to do an article in Henesys,”
I extend my hand for a hand shake, but she ignores it. Talk bout rude indeed!
A big man with a gray beard appears at the door, and I explain again. He nods, then
notices Maria. “H-hey! Nice to have you back! We haven’t seen you in a long time!”
He sweeps Maria up in a bear hug. After the greetings, introductions and pleaseantries,
we are invited inside their home, where we finally begin to see the real Henesys
In the next edition of MapleSAP Special, Ross Kent and his team
finally meet Henesys personalities face to face, and the work will really begin

ran outta time i have to go to my stupid science class -_-

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