MapleSAP Special: Justice Arrow (6)

MapleSAP Special: Justice Arrow
Part 6

MapleSAP’s other team send by our boss arrives in Orbis and goes to the National Archives to get some history info on the Justice Arrow. The NA building holds hundreds of thousands of records ranging from archaeology projects to news reports; dating from 6000 years ago til the present. The facility contains well over 4000 years of information about Victoria. Thes records are mostly translated articles from ancient tabs kept by the Fairies. They were translated almost 200 years ago by the last few remaining Fairies for the Korean colonists who took over the ancient city.
The history is as follows:
The Sharenians descended from an inferior breed of fairies who lost the ability to fly. Around 4000 years ago, they were banished to Victoria’s northern wastelands; the Corazon region and Perion Domain. While the fairies expected the Sharenians to die out, they thrived in the hostile Corazon-Perion region, carved Perion out of the rocks and established a mining industry by 2000 BC. Eventually, the fairies were forced to leave them be and instead established trade with the Sharenians to recover their own faltering economies. By now, the Balrogs waged a relentles century long war against victoria, wiping almost all of them out while the ground-base sharenians effectively fought them off.
By Year Zero, the fairies were dying out due to the planet’s magnetic shifting, and the last remaining populations lived in Orbis and Ellinia. Over the next 2000 years, they waged separate wars against the Balrogs and Sharenians. All three populations suffered bloody losses. In Century 15, Victoria remained uninhabited except for Perion Domain and Ellinia.

When Henesys was founded and the Justice Arrow formed by 1535, over 70,000 people were living in the south. At Lomi Jalonska’s command, they set out on a centuries-long holy crusade against the Sharenians and the fairies. Contrary to Henesys’ books, it was the Justice Arrow who invaded Ellinia and killed off the fairy population. After Ellinia, they continued their crusades and wars against the Sharenians; eventually cleaning out Sleepywood and the western side of Victoria, opening up the lands to settlement by European and American colonists.

When the Sino Army invaded Victoria in 1941, the Justice Arrow waged their bloodiest war of the century. Over the next five years, the J.A. pushed back the Sino Army, and they killed the remaining Sharenian tribes that the Sino Army spared in their invasion. On top of that, when the Justice Arrow re-took Kerning City, they murdered the few thousand Zhongese civilians that the Sino Army brought in without the smallest hint of mercy. The Kerning Massacre of 1944 is still one of Zhong-Guo Territory’s everlasting grudges against the south, even today.

The Justice Arrow’s involvement in the SEA Lands Jungle War (1966-1980) shows how sick and inhuman they could be. The Justice Arrow dispatched its troops into Kashkun and 7ung-Hzwang counties along with the Maple Peace Corps army, but after the enemy troops were killed, the J.A. alone slaughtered nearly 120,000 civilians in this 14 year period. Their work back in Kerning wasn’t as pretty either: The J.A. circulated around Kerning, kidnapping hundreds, possibly thousands of children; calling their crime ‘sparing the kids from the bombs’ The MPC and government bought their story as the hacker armies and Sino Army’s air forces bombed Kerning on a regular basis for over 7 years. Along with the kids they kidnapped noobs, and by 1975, they started kidnapping magicians, using the same excuse when the Kashkun Sharenian descendents dropped bombs on Ellinia in the summer.

When the war ended in 1980, the J.A. continued to capture magicians, kids, and noobs on a regular basis. The Orbis government issued an ultimatum, threatening military action against Henesys. The J.A. backed down and their crimes ceased for the time being. In 1983 the Food Uprising occured (See part 5), and the J.A. defied Orbis bold new plans, and they were backed by almost everybody. Orbis cancelled the new bill and Henesys was granted 3-tier independence.

The National Archives also hold copies of records from each of MapleWorld’s cities. Records from Kerning show that in 1988, the Justice Arrow resumed their kidnapping of kids and magicians, mostly from Kerning’s Azn districts. They also began their campaigns of terror against the SEA Lands refugees, and when the Azns resisted and fought back, the J.A. stepped up their battle efforts, calling it ‘War on Hackers’. These crimes continue to this day.

Meanwhile in Henesys, a 15 year old girl, from Kerning’s 7ung-Hwang, was accused of being a hacker. On Monday, she was arrested by J.A. officers and taken from the home where she was pretty much a slave. It was Monday night, and I was walking around exploring when the truck full of Justice Arrow rangers pulled over infront of me. The men, all heavily armed, jumped out the back of the truck and rushed upstairs to the second level; kicked down the door and charged in. The girl was tied up, gagged and dragged out by her hair down the stairs. She was shouting and screaming in Singlish. When they got to ground level, she was gagged, and one of the snipers shot a bow through her knees.
Another arrow was shot through her arms at the elbows, making her less mobile. Che cried in pain and one of the woman rangers struck her with her bow, knocking her back against the wall.
All around, people stopped and stared, with ice cold looks in their eyes. They did not feel an ounce of fear or sympathy for the young girl, nor did they think ‘what the hell are those rangers doing!?’
In Henesys, everyone views the undesirables all the same; vermin that must be destroyed.
“I didn’t do anything laah!” the girl cries as the gag falls off.
“Shut up, you! You goin’ to hell!” one of the rangers shouts, pointing his cocked x-bow right in her mouth. She is thrown carelessly into the truck, and after all the troops are aboard, it speeds off.

Apparently I, unaccustomed to Henesys’ cold and hostile attitude towards SEA Landers, was the only man right there who had a heartache for that girl. Others walk by impassively, parents comfort their children. A woman within my earshot said to her son, “That’s a hacker, a bleeding scumbag plaguing our world!”
“Mother, she said weird words,”
“The heathen doesn’t even know how to speak properly! I hope they burn her at the stake and send her right to hell!”
That chilling statement came true later that night. The Justice Arrow troops went around Henesy announcing the execution, and two hours later, everyone is gathered around the execution site out in the fields.

The platform was built out of metal and rock. The entire structure is tainted black by past fires. Firewood is loaded, along with mana fuel spilled on top. Chief Jalonska is present, flanked by his top officers. The church’s high preist, Father Lykan, a man with the weary face of a stone cold demon is present. The crowd cheers or boos as the girl is dragged by her neck out of the truck, up the stairs to the platform. She is tied to the wooden cross, arms and feet bound. She screams; protesting she’s not a hacker, but no one is listening. A Ranger woman comes up and punches her in the face. I swear I heard the girl’s jaw shatter!
The priest raises his hands amd the crowd falls silent.
“My children!” he begins. “This be a day where righteous justice and moral work is carried out by our saviors shall be remembered and noted as a lesson to all of the children and people present! Do not be fooled by the scumbag’s suffering it deserves it!”
People cheer, and I am sick to my stomach. I see other kids also being tied to poles on the platform.
The J.A. officer announces to the crowd that they were the girl’s fellow servents. The man who they were serving is brought forward, but he is not tied up. Arms grasped tightly behind his back by the rangers, he remains resigned and silent. Remorseful like. “I didn’t know she was planning blasphemy, I swear it! I had no idea she was going to take my children away! She wanted to take them with her back to Kerning City!”
The crowd boos. The J.A. officer raises his arm for silence, and the man keeps talking:
“I am very sorry for allowing this to happen! I am sorry to my son Casey and my daughter Selena! Because of her, his mind is contaminated with the hacker’s sick ideals, and by the grace of the Lord, they must be put down with her!”
The guy is teary eyed. “I beg the Migrator for forgiveness, I beg of the Lord to take my kids into Heaven when he recieves them!”
The kids are crying and screaming to be let go. “Don’t burn us! We didn’t do anything! I don’t like what she says! Please let us go! We’ll be good! Honest!” The boy’s cries are ignored. His school teacher from the local school house stares menacingly at the boy. “I hope you rot, you little bastard!” he calls out. “You are tainted! and you shall burn!”
The kids plead like crazy, and it seems a turning point was reached when his sister said, “Please let me go! I don’t want to die! I didn’t do anything! Let me go lah!”
The word ‘Lah’ echoes over the crowd’s shocked silence, and a terrified look is on her face. She knows she just said the wrong thing and re-sealed her fate.
“You are diseased and tainted of the devil’s vileness!” Father Lykon shouts. “May you burn for all eternity!”
and the crowd cheers.
“Silence!” Chief Jalonska shouts, and all is silent again. “This young woman, a servant from Kerning failed her duty to behave as an obedient servant to us! She tainted the children’s minds with her scum and failed us miserably! This is intolerable, and under the holy Law, she must be burned completely, along with all who she has tainted to cleanse their souls! There is no room in heaven for that hacker, but if we all pray, the Universal Migrator just might allow little Casey and Selena to pass into the gates of Heaven! It is my deep regrets, that these two children, both born of pure blood and flesh were tainted by the influence of that sinner!”
“SHAME!” people call out.
“and it is my regret to separate this father, a hardworking honest man who has served our metal shop for 15 years, and has lived up to the fullest of our law, from his own two children, who were his biggest gifts to our community! You, man, better pray like you never prayed before for forgiveness from the Migrator for your children and you as well!”
“I–I will!” the man cries. “Anything you want to say to them before they depart?” the priest asks.
“Casey…Selena, I want you both to know I love you very much!”
The kids don’t know better and cry and scream to be released.
Father Lykon reads a passage from his holy book as masked men and woman set fires to the mana fuel-saturated wood. Quickly the thin blue flame spreds over the wood and around the platform.
The many noobs, children, both from Henesys and not, watch in fear. Tonight many of their parents or masters tell them in harsh tones that if they ever run afoul, they would be next to be burned.
The little ones cry, misunderstanding and begging not to be burned. Others keep deathly silent.
The servants accompanying their masters are given the same message and dread floods their minds.
I look at my masters, Mr. and Mrs. Greenfeather. I get the same icy looks as well.
I eventually see Maria, accompanied by the red haired woman who took her home on Friday. Maria is in tears as she watches the blue flames envelope the structure. eventually, they reach the condemned. As the flames reach surfaces not coated in mana fuel, they burn orange. The kids and hacker start screaming in pain as the fire reaches them.
The priests engages the whole crowd in a silent prayer before singing some crap gospel about burning sinners.

Mana fuel has two flash points: one at 300*C where it burns slowly, then at 700*C where it burns violently. The blue flames explode in to white hot combustion torrents and the inferno swallows the condemned competely. Their screams pierce the night. Many people find it impossible to sing the song as they are distracted. The J.A. troops and everybody else sings without the slightest flinch of a muscle. I admit a tear came to my eye as I watched. Rannbo and Hank could hardly keep a straight face, both of them are terrified to the bone. The red haired woman holds Maria tight as she cries. She will later tell me that this incident reminds her this could be her punishment if word gets out she is a former resident of Henesys.

These ‘witch-burnings’ are nothing new. It has been a trademark of the Justice Arrow for over 400 years. In those four centures, they executed thousands and thousands of Sharenians and fairies, even surrendered Sino troops by burning them like this. According to the holy book that the Henesys residents abid by, the soul can only be cleaned by fire.
Executions like this were never at all mentioned in KLON Media’s video documentary’s about Henesys.
These crimes against humanity are sickening to watch, and in the near future no intervention by the federal government is planned, as Orbis is completely unaware.
In the next segment, Ross Kent and his team spend much of their spare time talking to several people shocked out of their silence by the illegal executions. Children of proud religious people; servants, noob slaves, explain their tales of horror in Henesys.
flame me go ahead this is brutal

One thought on “MapleSAP Special: Justice Arrow (6)”

  1. Ow.

    Okay, I’ll think twice the next time I go after people for mangling the English Language with Singlish. XD

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