I made level 65! will I lose it?

I just made level 65 today. 5 more levels till i can take my 3rd job
but something really worries me.
After the unscheduled server check, we sufferedthe rollback. i only lost 20% exp then,
but i keep hearing about theres going to be another server check in a few days, and i am worried about
losing all i gained this week..

i wish maple had a save button

8 thoughts on “I made level 65! will I lose it?”

  1. Oh, crap, if we could lose our progress then that means I could lose the 40% I gained! T_T

  2. I lost my lvl 48 in the rollback and I came back today to find that I missed a week of 2x exp
    and a week of having a 2x exp card in my CS too >.>

  3. At least I’m not playing in MApleGlobal ^^.

    Anyway, if Maple had a save button, u can save, then go on a suicide mission, later, u dun save, just relog-in and guess what? Same EXP when u saved!

    Ahh, i wonder how that will be like.

  4. greenday said: “At least I’m not playing in MApleGlobal ^^.

    Anyway, if Maple had a save button, u can save, then go on a suicide mission, later, u dun save, just relog-in and guess what? Same EXP when u saved!

    Ahh, i wonder how that will be like.”

    That would completely kill the economy. You trade an item away, then just log off without saving, come back on and voila, you have another one of the same item. MMOs aren’t supposed to have save options.

    I’d lose the only two levels that I have gained since ~August. And Nexon would lose a good customer. >.> I’d also lose my zhelm on my bandit.

  5. Wouldn’t it be funny after the 2x exp weekend they have a rollback? Well, it would be less like funny and more like tragic, Wish us all luck.

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