dead hackers make me happy

when i was on, i hear about hackers like KyeKunasagi, LAPD, Tiger, Sapo1 and 20 others i cant remember
but are these guys i mentioned dead yet?
(they r on Broa Global)

6 thoughts on “dead hackers make me happy”

  1. Broa was accused of being a hacker world because there was one day where all hackers videos sent in were from Broa.

  2. «xXyZaThEx : Tiger isn’t a hacker, he’s not on broa, and it’s just Broa.
    Not Broa Global.
    go buy some friends, zath, that was a rumor i heard and ppl talked for a WEEK about that, so i figured he must have hacked for people to talk that long about it. get some brains B4 u flame

  3. lol read about the rumor about that Tiger’s real name was Craig ?
    and that the one that Tiger’s BROTHER was named Craig ?

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