OK, I was pq’ing with this one guy, he quit party. He told me to come outside, I did… knowing it was a scam.
I dropped a noob item. He says: ‘No, drop your’ Lama staff.’
He drops a Korean fan, I tele twice and pick it up. He starts calling me a hacker and scammer.
I drop it again, he picks it up from at least 3 teles away. He just vacum hacked his fan back.
Then I reported him, and blah blah blah…
If you have a character in Windia, report and defame Haim216 for hacking.
all photos where duds
AutoLoot, Its not a hack -_-
autoloot is still a hack idiot
Ne need for childish name-calling. AutoLoot is technically a bot.
Lol you should’ave just kept it, otherwise cool. *lol I love tele*
Yeah, I was dropping it to show off. Then he picked back up, I love tele too, I’ve made so much mesos off of ppl dropping items! xD