The four great leaders of each class, Grendel the Really Old, Dances with Balrog, Athena Pierce and the Dark Lord, had defeated a monster so powerful, that it would remain nameless. It was sealed away, in an ancient temple underground. Little did they know that one day, thousands of years later, he would awaken…
Chapter 1
One day, an archer woke up with a start. He just had the strangest dream; a vision, he concluded. As he slowly got dressed, he would know what the dream meant.
“Ranger, we just got an email,” his friend, Rosana said.
He knew what he had to do when he read the email:
Attention all Maplers,
We have received very grave news. The legendary monster, Zakum, has awakened from its five thousand year sleep. We advise you all to remain indoors until the great leaders have solved this dilemma. Please remain calm. The problem will be fixed in no time.
Chief Stan of Heneseys
“Rosy, I have to go,” Ranger said, “This is what I had seen in the vision. This is my destiny. I must defeat Zakum.”
“ But Ranger, Zakum is so powerful, and you are just one person,” Rosana said. She grabs her wand. “Please Ranger, let me help you. If you die, at least I’ll die by your side, fighting with you.”
“Rosy, it is far to dangerous –”
“I am coming with you, Ranger,” she said, cutting him off.
He thought to himself, I love her, I really do, but should I let her come and fight Zakum with me? Is our love worth her life?
“This is your decision, Rosana, my sweetheart,” he said, gently kissing her on the lips. When they parted, she replied firmly:
“I am going.”
Chapter 2, comming very soon
It’s a bit small, but beautifully written.
Keep it going, I would love to read what happens in Chapter 2
thx. im writing it rite now.
Loooool. Your post is too short, if you don’t have anything useful to say, don’t say it.
Nice story, I can’t wait for chapter two
Uhhhhhh, why would Zakum be dangerous if Zakum is stationary and magic only goes along the screen
i like your story =] wee i wanna read more XD