Songs of a Confused Soul – Part Three

He gave her a look with such gratefulness that it instantly warmed her heart. She sat, waiting for Mai to arrive. Glancing back to Kazuki, Ashni saw that he was in a very disturbed sleep. Several times he mumbled, “Ashni,” each time gripping her hand harder. She looked away and found Mai staring back down her.

“So, you boyfriend is in trouble?” Mai said.

“More like an adapted brother,” Ashni said, glaring back at her, “Please heal him, Mai. He seems to have a high fever.”

“I will do my best.” Mai turned to Kazuki and mumbled an incantation. Green sparks encircled him and Kazuki woke up with a start.

“Ashni!” he shouted, giving her a bear hug.

“Adapted brother, you say.” Mai gave her a wink and headed out the door.

Drawing closer to him, Ashni touched his forehead with a concerned look on her face. His forehead was cool again. With a sigh of relief, she said, “Kazuki, how did you get so sick?”

He looked down, unable to match her eyes. “Something was bothering me. I couldn’t sleep…I couldn’t think straight. I was like a zombie, wasn’t I?” He gave her a faint smile.

“I was concerned, Kazuki,” she whispered.

But she looks in my eyes
And makes me realize
And she says “Don’t worry baby”
Don’t worry baby
Don’t worry baby
Everything will turn out alright
~Don’t Worry Baby, Beach Boys

Concerned…she was concerned…

“What was bothering you?” Ashni questioned.

“It has grown on me,” he said, not meeting her eyes, “Something I cannot keep a secret any longer.”

“What do you mean?” she inquired.

He drew closer and closer to her, touching her cheek. Putting his arms around Ashni, Kazuki pressed his lips on hers. She was shocked by his actions, but gently accepted the invitation. After what seemed like hours, they broke apart.

Kazuki held Ashni’s hand and squeezed it. He whispered in her ear, “Will you allow me to love you until the world has come to an end? Will you feel the same way towards me?”

Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. For the first time, Ashni looked at Kazuki in a different perspective. His emerald eyes, red spiky hair and sweet personality, he was perfect. Maybe he was the one for her.

“I will,” she whispered. Ashni gave Kazuki a bear hug, leaving him beet red.

“Well,” he said, “Got any plans tonight, my love?”

“Not if you have any.” she smiled back.


“Let me,” Kazuki said. He put out Ashni’s chair for her. She smiled and got seated.

“How may I help you?” a waiter instantly appeared at their table. As the waiter set eyes and Ashni, he stiffened up. The waiter looks familiar, she thought.

After they were finished dinner, Kazuki took Ashni to Perion. The starry night shorn down on them and the air was peaceful. They sat together to watch the moon on this peaceful night. Kazuki had his arm around her shoulders, and Ashni fell asleep on his shoulder. Together, they embraced each other in starry night.


He was falling. His futile attempts to grab on failed.

“Ashni!” he cried, “It is me, Kohaku!”

She looked at him in confusion. Who was he? she thought.


Ashni suddenly sat up. The dream, she thought, Who was that man from the dream? She got dressed and hurried into the kitchen to find Kazuki already making breakfast.

“Hello, my sweetheart,” he said with a laugh, “Up already?” He gave her a peck on the lips.

“Yes,” she said, with her heart-warming laugh, “You are so sweet, making breakfast for me.”

“Anything for you,” Kazuki said, his emerald eyes sparkling, “Another day of training awaits us, my love.”

After munching down their breakfast, Ashni went up to her room and began to change into her armor. She was rummaging for her gloves when an emerald necklace sought its way into her sight. Grabbing on to its chain, a memory popped into her mind.


“Fear not, my dear,” he said, “Not a day goes by without me thinking about you. Even when I leave, this will help you remember me by.” He hands her an emerald necklace. The colour of his eyes, she thought.


[i]Who is he?[i] she thought. Ashni shook her head and headed outside to meet Kazuki.

Wandering the plains of Perion, Kazuki and Ashni searched for the place known as, “Burnt Land.” They searched high and low for the place, but no avil. Their food and water supply soon ran out and Ashni collapsed to the floor.

“I give up, Kazuki,” she whispered, “Too exhausted to move on.”

“Do not worry, my love,” he said, trying to sound confident, “I will find our way back in no time.”

Suddenly, a well-dressed mage teleported into their view. His golden hair reached to his shoulder. Brushing some hair away, he said, “May I help you?”

“Hi,” Kazuki said, “My name is Kazuki. My girlfriend and I are lost. Can you help us get back to Perion?”

The mage glanced at both of us. When his eyes set on me, his face stiffened up.

“Hello,” he said, “My name is Kohaku.”

13 thoughts on “Songs of a Confused Soul – Part Three”

  1. WOW! Nice! But confusing! I must read it Again I must! ^.^

    MS Virus code, Arther quote: I can feel you all around me! Thicking the air im breathing! Holding on to what Im feeling! Savering this heart warming feeling! ~Fly Leif.

  2. Wow, I just began this series and I am hooked! Haha, very nice! I can’t wait to see what happens to the three characters when everything is revealed.

  3. AzNxPR1DE : OMG PLEASE KEEP WRITING! BEST SERIES EVER! about maplestory that is

    <— testing if this works

    agreed =P but too much, romeo and juliet dialogue lols

  4. LiDDoKiN said: “

    AzNxPR1DE : OMG PLEASE KEEP WRITING! BEST SERIES EVER! about maplestory that is “

    <— testing if this works

    agreed =P but too much, romeo and juliet dialogue lols

    I wanted to go formal


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