First of all, this is not to insult any of you. I will try and attempt to be a diplomatic ambassador here.
Please, you two, you are bickering like a married couple. YES, LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE.
I will state why I think each person’s comments are “true” to me.
Renome’s points:
Renome : Yeah ppl should feel sorry for me, being someone who is never taken as a friend and is always gone against just cause no1 ever beleives me cause of my insufficeint proof, koca your always saying how MS is not really important and in other u say how your so pisse dof czause your mom made u delete it, and u also watse of 150 in NX (said by u) and you have your BF’s in MS -_-
Maple, I’m not trying to diss you here, but it is kind of strange that you would spend $150 on pixels, when your last few blogs have been about MapleStory’s disadvantages. And Renome also has a point: Why do you say Ms isn’t important when you got super pissed at your mom about deleting MS?
Renome : im not the 1 who started al these, she start hating on me cause im in a case of proving martindl is a hacker, he is and most pople know -_-
Uh, if your maple dad is innocent, proving Renome wrong is a hacker is a waste of time. Most people like to see it with their own two eyes before believing.
Map1eholic/AngelWitwing’s points
First of all, Renome, Maple has access to both accounts because her sister quit MmoTales a while ago, so naturally she gets the account.
Second of all, please do not interfere with Maple’s love life what-so-ever, it has nothing to do with yours.
My suggestions of diplomacy:
I suggest you guys talk this over PM’s or something, because the MMO community doesn’t need to hear your worthless arguments.
When talking:
~Try to put yourself into the other person’s shoes. Remember, the golden rule.
~One more friend is one less enemy
~Please consider the other person’s feelings
~Try to find the middle of your two points. I believe its called, AGREEING
Flame me.
lol windia i made a blog similar to this a few days ago just really short and undescriptive though i think u did a good job with this
Yeah, finally someone puts an end to this!
ya so true break it up guys
uhhh GO ANGEL o_o
It’s also called NAGOTEIATING.
Lmao sis dont interfere people’s business
O.o Penut Butter Jelly
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bro, i try to be diplomatic. . . meaning the person who is the “peacekeeper.” They really need to twine this down.
why the hell do you care so much about maple’s blog? let her do what she wants, this is a free country, freedom of speech? ever heard of that? and you said put yourself in the other person’s shoes and consider the other person’s feelings. I strongly suggest you do the same. If you don’t care about Angel’s blogs or comment, naturally it shouldn’t have any effect on you. Just don’t read her blogs. That’s all you need to do. Don’t you know how to let girls? That’s part of being a man. If your a female, then I apologize. I don’t get involved in cat fights. Just kidding. But seriously, why don’t you two just go your seperate ways. As if you two never knew each other and leave it as that.
hey looks more proof on martindl is a hacker, this and the screenshot ill try to get more
Freedom of sppeech and ‘free country’ wouldn’t apply to her since
a) She lives in New ZeaLand
b) She is chinese wich are communists
renome thats still not full proof >.> its kinda like 90% proof.
Freedom of sppeech and ‘free country’ wouldn’t apply to her since
a) She lives in New ZeaLand
b) She is chinese wich are communists”
lmao now ur being racist? haha
btw renome that sounds like a warrior attacking and martin is a fire mage <.<
Im not being raceist -_- im just saying chinese are cummonist that would not be racist<< cause more countrys are communist